Droaam Empire Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Droaam Empire

Droaam emerged last during the Last War of all the new nations to arise with the arrival of the Daughters of Sora Kell leading the charge with their army of armored trolls and ogres, smashing Brelish forces back across the Graywall Mountains. While the nation was not officially recognized by the Treaty of Thronehold, and Breland still claims dominion over its territory, many are beginning to take notice and treat Droaam more seriously considering it has maintained a semblance of order for a decade.


Droaam is ruled as a despotic, feudal empire. The Daughters of Sora Kell (AKA The Kell) rule with an iron fist and have negotiated alliances with regional warlords, called chibs (Goblin for "Big Boss", to rule in their stead in exchange for a small amount of autonomy, and a portion of collected taxes (in the form of food, gold, or labor in the big cities).   Sora Katra acts as the diplomat and manager of state intelligence operations. Sora Maenya commands the military forces of trolls and ogres (known as Maenya's Fist) which were used to bring in line the most headstrong and violent warlords. Sora Teraza users her gifts for divination to provide guidance and strategy to the other two daughters. Her actions and motives are the least obvious to outsiders.   The citizens of each region directly answer to their ruling warlord, paying taxes and providing a share of any harvests they make though the direct servants of the Daughters can override this authority where needed.   On the western edge of Droaam, and crossing into the Shadow Marches is the land of Zarekovia, ruled by a council of Vampire Clans called the Dominion of Night. While it is physically part of Droaam, it maintains its independence from the Daughters though have a tenuous diplomatic alliance with them.


Droaam is a society that values strength, power, and diversity. Its inhabitants come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, but all share a desire to survive and thrive in a hostile world. The people of Droaam are known for their fierce independence, loyalty to their leaders, and willingness to use violence to achieve their goals.   Each region or tribe will have a Chib (Goblin for Big Boss) that dominates and rules over any number of people they have the strength to do so. On occasion, a Chib with ambition will take over the warbands or tribes of other Chibs; however, due to a lack of organization or determination to create permanent structures, they tend to collapse to warring or internal conflicts, and collapse before getting too big.   Many denizens of Droaam turn to mercenary work, utilizing their greater physical strength, resilience, and innate magical abilities to make attractive options for the predominantly human organizations which need mercenary services.   The Mockery is worshipped commonly throughout Droaam and it is said to be the embodiement of suffering, cruelty, and verngence which reflects the brutal nature of the nation and is often invoked in rituals and ceremonies.   Droaam has a distinctive cuisine that features dishes made from creatures typically considered monstrous or taboo in other cultures. This includes dishes made from owlbear meat, goblin liver, and troll toes, among other ingredients.

Public Agenda

Droaam's primary goal is to survive and prosper in a world that is largely hostile to its people. The nation seeks to maintain its autonomy and independence, while also protecting its people from external threats.   Driven the the whims of The Kell, Droaam is rapidly expanding its three major cities: The Great Crag, Vralkek, and Graywall with many Goblins and Kobolds flocking to the cities to provide labour in exchange for food and shelter.   In the decade since the expansion of the cities, various Dragonmarked Houses and independent merchants are finding opportunities for industry and trade, and a burgeoning metropolitan merchant and political class is forming.   The ultimate purpose the Daughters have for Droaam is not yet clear and whether they have ambitions beyond its borders has yet to be seen.


  • Glimmerstone Mines: The mountains in Droaam are rich with glimmerstone, a valuable gemstone that can be used to create powerful magical artifacts.
  • Dragonshards: Dragonshards are another valuable mineral found in Droaam. These powerful crystals are used in the creation of magical items and are highly sought after by wizards and artificers.
  • Unexplored Wilderness: Much of Droaam is wild and untamed, with vast forests and uncharted territory. This makes it an attractive location for adventurers and explorers looking to make a name for themselves.
  • Talented Mercenaries: Droaam is known for its skilled and deadly mercenaries, who are available for hire to anyone with the coin to pay them. These mercenaries come from a variety of races and backgrounds, and are often used by other nations for their military campaigns.
  • Unique Magical Traditions: The witches and hags of Droaam have their own unique magical traditions that are often viewed as dark and dangerous by outsiders. However, these traditions can be powerful and effective in the right hands, making them a valuable asset to those who can learn to harness them.


Age of Monsters

Being mostly arid and barren, with few sources of water and arable land, few civilizations have had the resources to develop during Droaam's history. Warbands led by ambitious Chibs would rise in power until a critical tipping point and their authority would fall apart, dissolving the union bound under their strength.   During the rise of the Dhakaan, Droaam saw a period of growth and stability not seen previously, and not again until the Daughters took charge. Large, thousand foot statues were built in honor of the 6 founding figures of the Dhakaani empire which remain today in the peaks of the Byeshk Mountains.   After the war with the Daelkyr, the Dhakaani Empire saw a gradual period of decline and disrepair with the surviving factions fracturing apart into smaller and smaller tribes that never again mustered the same level of technology and organization.  

Age of the Mark

Thousands of years later, when humans arrived in Khorvaire and formed nations, Breland claimed the territory to their west, calling it the Barrens though never established any settlements or occupied it in any meaningful capacity. Over time, they settled closer and closer to the Graywall Mountains. Brelish forces would clash often with the ogres, trolls, goblins, and gnolls that lived in the Barrens.   This all changed in the latter half of The Last War when the fortress of Stubbon, normally used to orcish raiders making meager efforts at attacking the fortress were faced with an organized phalanx of armored Trolls and Ogres marching in lock-step numbering in the hundreds. Few survived the absolute slaughter that took place and those that did spoke of a towering hag leading the army proclaiming that "the 'Barrens' was no longer Breland's and that all which laid west of the Graywall and south of the Byeshk was now called "Droaam" under the rule of the Daughters of Sora Kell".   Several attempts were made by Breland to reclaim Stubbon but all failed to force back the monstrous horde and they gave up their territorial holdings west of the Graywall. Since then, the Daughters have managed to bring to heel many of the regional chibs and negotiated the services of half the Znir Pact Gnolls to act as enforcers.   When the Last War ended and the Treaty of Thronehold was signed, the Daughters petitioned The Five Nations to be recongnized as a nation but they refused with Breland claiming that the region was stil theirs and those occupying it were a rebelling force. Even with that being the case, several Dragonmarked Houses have made diplomatic and commerical alliances with the new nation, primarily House Tharashk who act as intermediaries for the hiring of mercenary forces for Droaam to work in other regions.   In the last few years, a material called Glimmerstone was discovered underneath the Graywall Mountains which had magical properties that the Daughters sought to use to create a national currency. To this end, they have created the Glimmerstone Acquisiton Bureau in Graywall to trade Glimmerstone brought to them for other resources and track the extraction, transportation, and processing of the material. This has led to a great 'goldrush' where denizens of Droaam and some from beyond flock to the Graywall Plains to strike it rich.

Demography and Population

Goblins and Kobolds

The Goblins and Kobolds of Droaam have developed a unique shared culture as a result of their former status as oppressed underclasses in the Barrens. They value cunning over strength and are patient and enduring, waiting for opportunities to present themselves.   Goblins who serve the Daughters of Sora Kell lead better lives than their ancestors, but some still live in miserable conditions. Many goblins are excited about Kethelrax the Cunning, the kobold warlord, as they see it as a new age where they will be recognized and rewarded for their work. While most focus on their work, some seek to help their oppressed kin or take vengeance on ogres and giants for the suffering inflicted on their people.


The Orcs in the Barrens have developed two distinct cultures over generations. The Gaa'aram embraced the chaotic, raiding lifestyle of the Barrens and rallied around the most powerful leaders to become fierce warriors. They can be found in all the cities of the Barrens and are passionate supporters of Droaam and local warlords.   The Gaa'ran orcs, on the other hand, are pacifists and farmers who believe that violence stains the soul. They have prospered under the Daughters of Sora Kell, who recognize the value of agriculture, and have been placed in charge of various agricultural projects. Both cultures have no direct ties to other orcs of Eberron.


Since the rise of the Kell, Gargoyle have prospered across Droaam and are the favourite recruits of House Tharashk, finding success as messengers and couriers or as combat-ready scouts and rapid response teams. Their elemental nature makes them tireless and require little sustenance.


The mountains in Droaam are inhabited by Ettin and Hill Giants, both of which are native to Khorvaire. Ettins are distantly related to orcs, while hill giants are a type of ogre unique to Khorvaire. In the past, giants would dominate groups of goblins and kobolds that they came across in the Barrens, but in modern-day Droaam, giants have been primarily drawn into heavy labor and used to provide raw power to the armies.   The giants from Xen'drik in Vralkek have also found a home in Droaam and serve the fire giant Gorodan Ashlord or acknowledge him as their spokesperson to the Daughters of Sora Kell.



The Harpies of the Byeshk Mountains are the children of The Fury and are known for their love of flight and song. They are passionate and wild, embracing love and hate equally with reckless abandon. Those who left the mountains to "sing Katra's song" have embraced her vision and are excited to build a nation with their voices.   They are generally more intelligent than the standard harpy and have more control of their supernatural voices, capable of inspiring a range of emotions. Harpies play an important role in the cities of Droaam, calling the hour, summoning workers, serving as town criers, and entertaining the people.   The harpies of the Graywall Mountains have chosen to keep to themselves, though recognize their sororal cousins in the Byeshk Mountains and swear allegiance to Sora Katra. While they bicker amongst themselves, they work together to alert Graywall of any possible intrusion from across the mountain ranges by Breland or the Silver Flame.


The Minotaur clans of Droaam are spread throughout the plains and are fierce barbarians and warriors. They dominated goblins, kobolds, orcs, and other creatures in the past and still lead raids into Droaam today. However, their long-standing, destructive feuds between clans have prevented them from becoming a major power. The minotaurs believe that they are the chosen warriors of a being called The Horned Prince, and each clan has their own private name and beliefs about him.   While most minotaurs worship a Horned Prince similar to the overlord Rak Tulkhesh, some have different beliefs. For example, the Red Hooves worship He Who Walks Behind and focus on terror and deception, while the Blade Breakers worship One Horn, who rewards strength and courage. Despite their fierceness and bravery, minotaurs generally lack patience and discipline, making them excellent raiders but not effective in large-scale operations.


In Droaam, Ogres are common and serve a similar role as their giant counterparts. They are physically strong but not very intelligent, preferring simple pleasures like food, drink, and smashing small creatures. The warlords use harpy songs and grist to charm and control them, putting them to work as laborers and shock troops. Ogres have diminished mental facilities, and are easily influenced by strong personalities and emotional stories. They enjoy stories and songs, and often develop attachments to their favorite harpy or changeling storyteller.  
The Skullcrusher Ogres of Maenya's Fist are a different subspecies of Ogre. They are devoted to their dueties, don't socialize with other creatures, and are well trained with military discipline.


Medusae are not common in Droaam, but they play a significant role in the growing nation. They are intelligent and possess mystical powers, making them essential for the construction of blended cities. Medusas who choose to be Voices of Katra often act as judges and enforce justice, as they are not afraid to challenge anyone. The worship of the Dark Six, the most organized religious tradition in Droaam, is primarily led by medusas. They tend to be calm and rational, but they demand respect and are willing to teach harsh lessons if necessary. Medusas have the unique ability to receive visual impressions through their serpent mane and have developed a sign language called Serpentine, which they use to convey messages.


Shifters are a significant population in Droaam and were once mixed with the Gaa'aram orcs in the former Barrens. The orcs refer to them as Taarka'va or wolf brothers, and their pairings can produce offspring, but half-orcs are mostly sterile. Another group of shifters, called Ur'haakar or First Panthers, live in the Watching Woods and shun civilization to take pride in their primal connection. They are experts in stealth and possess rangers and monks. Some have joined the Dark Pack, while most prefer isolation and consider the lycanthropes of the Dark Pack to be corrupted shifters.


Changelings who leave the city of Lost in Droaam work for the Daughters, mainly as part of Katra's Voice, where they use their skills as entertainers, mediators, and bards. Some of them serve as Teraza's Eyes to gather information. They often wear their true faces but use their shapeshifting abilities aesthetically to create exotic or ever-changing patterns on their skin. Skindancing, which is an art form that combines physical movement with transformation, is a remarkable experience.


Tieflings from the Venomous Demesne, which lies hidden in the west of Droaam, are ruled by four powerful families who possess great knowledge and arcane power. Tiefling wizards and warlocks can be found serving as Katra's Voice or Teraza's Eye. The people of the Demesne look down upon the inhabitants of Droaam and the Five Nations but value their alliance with the Kell and are willing to suffer some indiginities for this cause.


Trolls in the Barrens often dominate small fiefdoms with strength and fear, ruling over Gaa'aram orcs and occasionally eating packs of goblins and kobolds. While this arrangement still persists in some places, trolls have been integrated into the society of Droaam, serving in the military or performing heavy labor. Those who refuse to cooperate are sent to work at the grist mills, making them less disruptive. However, trolls expect respect and are prone to killing those who insult them. They enjoy engaging in tests of strength and are impressed by remarkable feats of strength, responding better to intimidation than diplomacy.  
The War Trolls of Maenya's Fist are a unique subspecies believed to be the result of magebreeding and are utter devoted to Sora Maenya and to Droaam.


Following the Lycanthropic Purge, many Lycanthropes sought refuge in Droaam. They banded together under the leadership of the werewolf Zaeurl in the Watching Wood, while some scattered throughout the region. Most of these lycanthropes avoided spreading the curse and stayed in animal form to prevent further persecution. The natural lycanthropes of Droaam had the ability to speak in their beast form but did not pass it to those they infected. Zaeurl formed an alliance between the native worgs and the lycanthropes to create the Dark Pack, which remains strong.   Some worgs are scattered throughout Droaam, and gnolls of the Barrakas clan form bonds with worg companions. Recently, the potency of the lycanthropic curse has returned, and lycanthropes can now spread the curse. The Daughters and Zaeurl wish to avoid spreading lycanthropy, but Sora Katra may develop a program to create a new corps of lycanthrope soldiers.


The Vampires of Zarekovia who choose to live in Droaam are a small but influential group. They are typically high-born, aristocratic vampires who were drawn to Droaam for the freedom it offers them. While they are often viewed with suspicion and fear by the other inhabitants of Droaam, the vampires bring valuable skills and resources to the table.   Many are skilled at diplomacy, and they often serve as envoys to other nations. They are also skilled in magic and can offer their services to the armies of Droaam. Despite their contributions, the vampires are viewed as outsiders and are often treated with caution and mistrust. However, as long as they continue to contribute to the growing nation, they are allowed to remain.

Ancestries from Beyond the Graywall

This groups includes Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, etc. Some choose to call Droaam home, each with their own reasons for being there. Some were exiled or fleeing from persecution, while others were drawn by the promise of freedom and opportunity that the land offered. Regardless of their reasons for being there, they all face discrimination and mistrust from the Daughters and other native inhabitants of Droaam.   Integration with the Daughters’ vision of Droaam is often difficult, as many of the newcomers bring their own cultural traditions and beliefs. The Daughters of Sora Kell tolerate their presence as long as they do not pose a threat to their rule, but they are not always treated with respect. Some have banded together in their own communities, while others attempt to assimilate into Droaam society. Despite the challenges, many of these newcomers have found a sense of belonging in this land of monsters and have worked to shape it into something more livable.


The territory controlled by The Kell stretches from the Graywall Mountains in the east to the edges of the swampy Shadow Marches and from the Byeshk Mountains in the north to the jagged cliffs of the Manta Bay to the south.   The nation of Zarekovia occupies part of the region formerly known as the Barrens and parts of the Shadow Marches and is ruled by the Dominion of Night; however, instead of refusing ot acknowledge the power of the Daughters, they formed an alliance with them to act as a pseudo-vassal state. While they work in concert with the Daughters, the territority they control is not technically part of Droaam.


Maenya's Fist makes up the majority of the organized military force. With War Trolls and Skullcrusher Ogres numbering in the dozens, when decisive military action is required, the First descend upon the opposing force with strength and brutality unmatched on the continent. The Gnolls of the Znir Pact pressed into service by the Daughters provide a large part of the policing force in Droaam. While a Medusa might act as judge and jury, the Znir Gnolls are the executioners.   Sora Teraza has a network of Changelings, Harpies, Medusas, and Gargoyles which act as informations and spies, creating an intelligence apparatus known as Teraza's Eye. They work in concert with the Fist and Znir Gnolls to provide critical information and form military strategies.

Technological Level

Droaam is a country where technology has not advanced significantly, as the Daughters of Sora Kell have instead focused on using the innate abilities of its monstrous inhabitants to replace traditional technology and magic. With harpies for flight, trolls for construction, medusa for medicine and civiv management, and more, the need for advanced machinery and other technological innovations is diminished. This has allowed Droaam to develop a unique cultural identity that is focused on harnessing the strengths of its inhabitants rather than relying on external advancements.   They have established the Gorgon's Anvil, an Artificer organization tasked with creating new magiteck to shape the landscape of Droaam to be more suitable to larger populations.


While many of Droaam's denizens will have their own personal or cultural ties to specific religions, the most common beliefs are that of the Dark Six and in particular The Mockery. While the Sovereign Host are worshipped in the rest of Khorvaire and a positive force, those in Droaam see them as harsh authoritarians that dictate actions and withhold assistance in exchange for adherence whereas the Dark Six offer a more honest exchange of faith and tribute for boons. They believe the natural gifts they possess were given to them by the Six and they should honor them by using them to their full potential.   Most other faiths, while not followed, are generally accepted within Droaam and every city, village, and town will have many shrines to different deities—with shrines to the Six generally being the most prominent—however, the Church of the Silver Flame is not tolerated. At best, a worshipper of the Flame will be ostracized and at worse, they'll wish for the release of death. The Church views themselves as the defenders against "Supernatural Threats" and the monsters of Droaam are considered just that. The Dark Pack in particular have an ingrained and intense hatred of the Church due to the Purges of the past.

Foreign Relations

Droaam is generally viewed with suspicion and mistrust by the other nations of Khorvaire. Zarekova has a strained relationship with Droaam, with both nations maintaining an uneasy peace. The Venomous Demesne has respect for the power of the Daughters of Sora Kell and have a respected alliance with Droaam. Thrane is staunchly opposed to the monstrous races of Droaam, seeing them as an affront to the Silver Flame. Breland maintains that Droaam is a rebelious province that is actively hostile, and refuses to take any attempts at diplomacy seriously. It's only by the strength of Maenya's Fist, and the losses suffered from the Last War, that Breland does not attempt military action.


For most of Droaam, the laws are that of the strongest in the region enforcing their will. Petty disputes are expected to be settled personally or by the Chib dominating the area. When dicated by the Daughters however, the Medusa and Harpies in Katra's Voice act as legislative officials, proclaiming the will of the daughters. For those that disagree, the Znir Pact Gnolls in service of the daughters act as the first line of enforcement with the Fist descending upon those that refuse to follow. Laws are kept by the servants of the Voice and are propogated to the people by a corp of Harpy and Gargoyle messengers.

Agriculture & Industry


The people of the Barrens faced a challenge in building large cities due to the inability to feed a large population. Many of Droaam's inhabitants are carnivorous and lacked the discipline for large-scale agriculture required to feed such large populations. The Daughters of Sora Kell provide shelter and sustenance, offering an endless supply of grist, a ground meat staple that is tough and sour but filling.   The grist is made from ground troll meat, a secret known only to the Daughters, who have developed a magical mixture of herbs and spices to make it edible. Major towns have a public cafeteria serving grist, and there are other options for those who can stomach them, such as nearly raw meat or dishes featuring exotic beasts of the region. While Droaamites have embraced the cuisine, visitors may find it off-putting, particularly the use of troll meat, and the mills where it is processed may be difficult to stomach.   In recent years, efforts have been made to improve the fertility of the land to grow crops as the population and diversity of Droaam increases. These efforts have been focused on the Graywall Plains because it has the most vegetation and experiences the most rainfall.


Droaam is a nation that has a diverse range of industries that are supported by its natural resources, unique inhabitants, and specialized knowledge. Its vast mining operations of Byeshk, iron, gold, and gems are crucial to the nation's economy, and the mercenary services of its inhabitants have become renowned throughout Khorvaire. Additionally, Droaam's monstrous races have developed a rich tradition of alchemical and arcane practices that allow them to harness their unique abilities, creating potions and magical items that are highly sought after. These industries have allowed the nation to thrive, despite the harsh and arid landscape, and have enabled it to assert itself as a significant power in the region.

Trade & Transport


Droaam is a nation that has a diverse range of industries that are supported by its natural resources, unique inhabitants, and specialized knowledge. Its vast mining operations of Byeshk, iron, gold, and gems are crucial to the nation's economy, and the mercenary services of its inhabitants have become renowned throughout Khorvaire. Additionally, Droaam's monstrous races have developed a rich tradition of alchemical and arcane practices that allow them to harness their unique abilities, creating potions and magical items that are highly sought after. These industries have allowed the nation to thrive, despite the harsh and arid landscape, and have enabled it to assert itself as a significant power in the region.  


The means of transport in Droaam is often a chaotic and unpredictable affair due to the lack of a long-term social order beyond warring tribes prior to the Daughters of Sora Kell's conquest. Many inhabitants still rely on traditional modes of transportation, such as horseback riding, while the more powerful and wealthy prefer to travel in carriages or on mounts like wyverns and griffins. Large monsters, such as bulletes, can also be tamed and used as transportation for short distances. The flying races, like harpies and gargoyles, play a significant role in transporting messages and goods over long distances, often charging exorbitant prices for their services. Despite the challenges, House Tharashk has been able to establish a reliable network of couriers to deliver messages and small items, as well as providing secure routes for trade caravans.


The education of the people of Droaam is focused mostly on surviving and fighting. Oracles and Shamans in Goblins and Kobold societies provide an oral history of their people's, passing on the knowledge of mining and crafting. The centaur tribes have strong oral histories teaching the skills needed to live a nomadic life.   The minotaurs and medusae of the region have strong written histories detailing their pasts and prize literacy and intelligence. The Znir Pact gnolls have made a concerted effort to improve the literacy and education of its members, to elevate themselves above the demonically driven gnolls.


Most tribes or clans in Droaam barely develop beyond basic metal working to create armor and weapons so the infrastructure that does exist are the remnants of the Dhakaani Empire that survived the war with the Daelkyr and their eventual collapse or the few attempts at settlements by Breland. In recent times, the Daughters have been pushing to grow the cities of the Great Crag, Graywall, and Vralkek as well as establish new bridges and roads to connect the regions.

Strength Through Diversity

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
No official currency. Food is the most common unofficial currency of labour and Galifaran coins are widely accepted in commerce.
Major Exports
Byeshk Ore and Mercenary Services of its Denizens
Major Imports
  • Grains
  • Root vegetables
  • Fish and seafood
  • Textile materials
  • Cotton
  • Silk
  • Wool
  • Linen
  • Spices
  • Luxury goods
Legislative Body
Daughters of Sora Kell
Judicial Body
Regional disputes are managed by the ruling Chib but disputes that threaten the order of The Kell are managed by Katra's Voice.
Executive Body
Maenya's Fist.


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