Graywall Barrens Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Graywall Barrens

The Graywall Barrens is a diverse and rugged region encompassing the Thundering Steppes, the Glintrock Range, and the Graywall Mountains. It is a land of contrasts, with craggy badlands, rocky plateaus, sparse savannahs, and towering mountains. The area is known for its challenging environment, harsh weather, and mineral-rich resources that have attracted settlers and miners seeking fortune.


The Graywall Barrens comprise the Thundering Steppes, a rocky flat badlands with large plateaus and sparse savannahs; the Glintrock Range, a hilly badlands with gravelly landscapes and sparse vegetation; and the Graywall Mountains, a formidable mountain range dividing Droaam and Breland. The landscape features cliffs, steep slopes, and river systems like the Serpentfolk River flowing through the Glintrock Range.


The ecosystem of the Graywall Barrens is characterized by its hardy and resilient wildlife and vegetation. Despite the challenging conditions, various creatures have adapted to survive, including hardy scrub plants, ruminants scaling cliffs, and predatory species dwelling in caves.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem in the Graywall Barrens experiences distinct cycles tied to the seasons and weather patterns. In winter, snow blankets the Graywall Mountains, pushing life further down the slopes, while the Thundering Steppes and Glintrock Range experience dry and harsh conditions. In the summer, the snow recedes, and life returns to the mountains, accompanied by thunderstorms that bring temporary revitalization to the Thundering Steppes.

Localized Phenomena

One of the notable localized phenomena in the Graywall Barrens is Shining Valley, a Manifest Zone to Irian nestled within the peaks of the Graywall Mountains.


The climate in the Graywall Barrens varies across the different regions. Generally, it is temperate and dry, with frequent lightning and dust storms ravaging the land. The summer brings heavy rains, causing landslides and flash floods, while the winter experiences dust storms and frost scouring the landscape.

Fauna & Flora

The flora in the Graywall Barrens includes hardy scrub plants like Razorwheat and Fangcorn, as well as sparse vegetation such as trees and thistles. The fauna consists of various creatures, including Sand Drake, Razorback, birds, ruminants, predatory species like bears, Owlbears, Wyverns, and Manticores, as well as small rodents and reptiles.

Natural Resources

The Graywall Barrens are rich in valuable natural resources, including Glimmerstone, iron, copper, gold, and other metals. The region's mineral wealth has attracted miners and settlers seeking to profit from these resources.


Throughout history, the Graywall Barrens have played a crucial role in the interactions between Droaam and Breland. The Graywall Mountains served as a natural defense for Breland against the monstrous races of Droaam.   However, the appearance of the Daughters of Sora Kell and the establishment of Droaam as a nation shifted the balance of power, and humans were driven back to the eastern side of the mountains.   The discovery of Glimmerstone further altered the region's dynamics, attracting newcomers and causing both conflict and prosperity for the indigenous inhabitants.


Tourism in the Graywall Barrens is limited due to its challenging environment and focus on mining activities. However, adventurers and thrill-seekers are drawn to the region, hoping to strike it rich with the discovery of valuable gemstones or seeking the excitement of exploring the rugged badlands, plateaus, and mountains.


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