Session 20 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 20

General Summary

Finally after a long and treacherous journey our group has made there was to Making and have gained access to the Making Church. Inside the church is the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish.  

Inside the Church

The interior of the church is in complete disarray. Pews are broken and bashed, books thrown about, candles knocked over. The walls are covered with arcane tubes and wires all emanating a low electric hum. The tubes and wires are throughout the church but all terminate in the rear of the church to several large glass tubes. The tubes are filled with steam obscuring the contents. Kawalish has converted the front of the church into a make shift laboratory. In front of the alter sits an elaborate system of glass piping and alchemical equipment. Against the west wall sits five clear canisters holding what appears to be still-beating hearts. On the other side, trapped inside a glass tank is one of the creatures you fought in the market, a DragonWing. All of the active equipment in the lab appears to connect to a suit of plate armor standing on the main altar.     Powered armor- resembles a suit of unusual plate armor, with finely articulated joints connected by an oily, black, leather-like material. The armor has been worked to create the appearance of a heavily muscled warrior, and its great helm is unusual in that it has no openings — only a broad glass plate in the front with a second piece of glass above it. Strange plates, tubing, and large metal bosses adorn the armor in seemingly random fashion. On the back of the armor’s left gauntlet is a rectangular metal box, from which projects a short rod tipped with a cone-shaped red crystal. The suits need a suitable power source as they consume an immense amount of energy.   Mephit Net- Large butterfly net with wire netting and an trigger hang on several pila. Pulling the trigger activates the netting. When activated any steam mephit in a 15ft cone must make a DC 12 Strength sav or be pulled into the net. This counts as the players action.  

What Kwalsih knows

  • The city of Making was unkowingly built upon an ancient Eldritch Machine 
  • The Cyre nation was using to Eldritch Machine to create some sort of War Ending Machine: Quest start: (War Ender
  • Cyre was able to create there War Ender but on the final stages of it's creation the Eldritch Machine exploded cause a release of energy which everyone knows as the Mourning
  • Kwalish doesn't know what they where creating
The Talons of Tiamet Boots of Speed
  • Not responsible for users not reading the tags. It clearly states that GK or Gnomish Knight equipment is for gnomes only.
  • After examination of Drexel, Kwalish explains that Drexel is Lycanborne. In Drexel's family line is lycan blood, that blood combined with the protective curse GK equipment is allowing him access to memories of his ancestors.
  • Kwalish wouldn't recommend getting bit by any lycans- as normal lycanthrope can be cured with remove curse, a lycanborne contracting lycanthrope would result in a unremovable curse of lycanthrope. 
  • Kwalish is able to give some details of the The Silver Crusade and how the Knights of the Silver Flame attempted to ride Khorvaire of all Lycans, Sifters and Lycanborne
Shield/Transport to Avernus
  • Kwalish has determined that Gargauth is not trapped in the shield and that Wuwei is not able to communicate with him anymore. 
  • The group explains that Gargauth has the Blue Dragon Mask it helps explain what's been happening in the last day. More devils and fiends have been noted around the palace area of Making. 
  • Kwalish theorizes that the Blue Dragon Mask allowed Gargauth to leave his imprisonment of the Grater of Warding 

Escapé- Spelled just like escape

  A loud crash is heard and one of the glass tubes shatters. The escaping steam spills out of the broken tube and starts to coalesce into a dozen smaller clouds. As they spread apart high pitch mumbling can be heard and glowing eyes can be made out. Kwalish yells "Oh Snap!! Quick capture them before they escape!! We must contain them and get the generator back up before the shield goes down!!"    Utilizing the Mephit nets the group is able to capture all the steam mephits. In true Ghostbuster fashion both WuWei and Queelix become covered in Dragonwing entrails.   Even though the mephits are captured, the shield is back up and the intruders are destroyed Gargauth is outside. Waiting with several dozen DragonWing, DragonSoul, DragonFang and DragonClaw. An impressive army for sure.  

De Plan Boss! De Plan!

  With the shield restored the group is able to rest up. They spend the next part of the day assembling a landing pad for the Goblins of Breland airship. After a long conversation with Queelix about what happened to the airship and what state it is in, Kwalish is able to instruct Queelix on how to make repairs to it. If the group can get the Siberys Dragonshard stash they have to Kwalish he can utilize them to power the powered armor suits.    The group does learn the cost of drinking the Crystal Clear Liquid as Ohazar spends much of his time sleeping and twitching. After a nice nap and an uncrustable he feels much better.    Next Session- 10/15/2020 online

Rewards Granted

  • Flamethrower

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Report Date
06 Oct 2020
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