Session 6: Holed up in a destroyed tower Report

General Summary

9 Dravago 996YK Evening to 10 Dravago 996YK Morning

During night watch Vlorg the Orc was found to have shown up at the same tower that the party decided to rest at for the night. He observed the collosal construct that was blocking the entranceway to the tower before heading to an unknown location. There was a sound that seemed like Vlorg the Orc was accessing a door somewhere nearby the tower on the outer perimeter. Verna Appleblossom decided to follow behind stealthly and see if she could determine where he might have gone in the tower. Verna Appleblossom did some tracking and noticed that the footsteps just seemed to disappear. Verna Appleblossom notified the next person in the watch, Donaar Raghthroknaar of the situation and told him to keep an eye on it. During Donaar Raghthroknaar's watch, he saw one of the Shadow Mastiff head mysteriously pop out of one of the supporting buttresses of the tower. Despite his size and lack of stealth, he was able to go unseen by both the Shadow Mastiff and Vlorg the Orc. That trio was then observed heading back to town in where Donaar Raghthroknaar figured it would be wise to investigate the area in the morning.

10 Dravago 996YK

Figured out buttress support on tower was an illusion in one spot. Door was trapped, party disarmed and unlocked door. Tons of Light spells were done on stones to provide light down stairway. Was moot because first step had the ability to illuminate the entire stairway. Came to what appeared to be another double door system. High arcana check allowed all the entrances to be seen and there were two side paths. Doors on Left/Right would close after 30 seconds from removing hand from switch. Lost of valves that led to various piping formations - presumed trap in main hallway and valves were some sort of puzzle to disable trap. Trap was not disarmed but instead window was broken instead.

Battled some Gazers
More sifting of the paperwork.
Seeing what was inside the chambers
Even more sifiting of paperwork
Exposing a secret
Breaking down the protecting door
Attacked by constructs - somewhat
Wrath against the door
Campground at the World Tree destroyed - presumed to be Grungs that did it. Klaus the Barrel decided to stay away from town and spend the time repairing his campground.

Rewards Granted

Start of Session:
Amulet on Vincent Zander's body "upgrades" allowing him to have Darkvision +60ft
Gazer Battle:
Four (4) Gazer Eyestalks, Three (3) Fear Based and One (1) Telekinetic Based
10sp worth of Feystone
The battle of the Door?
One (1) Exceptional Quality Javelin see Weapon Durability Rules for details.
Escape the Underground Lab
One (1) Partially Charged Construct Core Infused with Souls of the Townspeople of Woodhelm

Missions/Quests Completed

None, if anything more mysteries were uncovered.
New Quest: Expose the Changelings and Vlorg the Orc's actions

Character(s) interacted with

Klaus The Barrel
Glub Glub The Goldfish aka "Swim Shady"
Vlorg the Orc
Shadow Mastiff x 2
Guardian of the Forest
Gazer x 4
Gibbering Mouther
Nupperibo x 2
The Mayor - Stanley Elias Bowles III
The Baker - Aurelia Dupree
The Bartender - Gus Williby
Head of the Church - Cardinal Batty
The Jailer - Christopher O'Finnegan
Head Entrance Guardsman - George Hynes
Tridrone x 2
Zombie Beholder

Created Content

I mean this whole section was modified because the group was like "I want to fight a beholder" and I said OK, despite the party being only LVL 3.

Related Reports

Technically since Klaus, and Swim Shady are part of the group, I guess they should have some kind of journal here...


Should generate some documents found at the desk - depends on how ambitious I get.
Eberron's Darkest Secrets Campaign
Verna Appleblossom
Wabnuc Thistleden
Neutral Good Rock Gnome (Guild Artisan (Smiths and Metal-forgers))
Artificer 1
11 / 11 HP
Oakburn Ravenaxe
Donaar Raghthroknaar
Vincent Zander
De Sir E
Player Journals
Shifty Orcs and Their Schemes by Verna Appleblossom
Session 6 1/14/23 by Donaar Raghthroknaar
Report Date
17 Jan 2023
Primary Location


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