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Bridge District

Once a thriving portion of Vallaki, this once beautiful district has succumbed to the threat of The Scourge, transforming from a agricultural heart to a somber tapestry of red maples and decayed edifices; the haunting memories of blood spilled upon the city's cold, merciless stones, ever echoing into the night. Its abbeys and churches gradually erode beneath the weight of the past, while ever-present shadows continue to haunt the effigy this place has become. 
  Nearly half a decade ago this place was once a thriving district, one of the agricultural hearts of Vallaki. A beautiful urban and peaceful community, it and the Central District supported the entirety of the city in the production of food and water. Towering spires reached up into the sky while beautiful rustic houses were constructed to house the community. Knowing that the increase in population would need to be supported, they focused heavily on building vertical farms, maximizing their space as much as they could.
  Now all that is left standing is a singular spire amidst a field of ashen homes and eroding churches and abbeys. In a day that lives in infamy, the agricultural heart of this city was put to the torch, and its citizens were slaughtered. The Day of Ash.
  The district had become an epicenter of plague and death, cases of The Scourge had exploded over the years, turning an estimated forty percent of the district into monsters. The response from the Blood Church was quick and decisive. The Hunters were sent in to eliminate the threat under any circumstance. The workshop given the task set the whole district ablaze, torching everything to the ground. Both beasts and innocents alike met their end by the steel and gunpowder of these hunters, earning these unique Hunters the title of "heretical." The dreadful slaughter and tides of blood live in the fearful hearts of all who reside within Vallaki
  All that is left standing in a single spire cloaked in the soot and ash of those who perished in this field of fire and death. It alone stands vigil among the crumbling ruins of buildings and houses. At one point the doctors and researchers of the Church tried to enter into the district, but they have never been seen again. Since then the district has remained abandoned, its gates closed and locked, barring both entrance and exit from this forsaken thoroughfare of death. That was five years ago. All that remains of that fateful day now are echoes lingering in the empty streets, ever-present shadows accompany the occasion plume of smoke that rises from the embers still burning away. There are rumors that at night, if you strain your ears, you can hear the occasional starving howl echoing from those empty streets.
"This place is abandoned, its best left that way "

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