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Central District

The southernmost district and the first district many people see upon arriving by way of the Savalich Road, the Central district stands as a testament to the history of Vallaki. While not grand like its sister the Ruby District, the Central district still welcomes visitors with a taste of what resides within the city. The cobblestone streets that wind through the district are flanked by rows of buildings with flying buttresses and pointed spires that reach into the sky like fingers of a unfolding hands. The central district is characterized by a meeting point between the Ruby and Shrouded Districts. Their houses are spaced out a lot more like the Ruby District, but they lack the ornate gildings that make up the district. The houses here are tall and narrow with gabled roofs that line the streets with long shadows are cast in the fading light of the day. During the night steam powered lamps light up the city streets, pushing back the oppressive darkness along the main thoroughfare and streets.   In contrast to the empty living within the Shrouded District, and the exclusive parties of the Ruby district, the streets of the Central district are teeming with people and obvious signs of life. Those who live within the streets of this district would be considered the middleclass of Vallaki.   In the heart of the Central district lies a marketplace known as Belfry Square. Once the stalls of this marketplace held goods from all corners of Barovia, however due to the blockade that has isolated them from the other remaining villages of Barovia and the revolution that took place thirty years ago, the marketplace has shrunken in quality in years. Now instead of exotic goods it is just the fine textiles, ornamental trinkets, and the various other goods and services produced within the large city; food being the biggest one. Despite the decline in trade, the air here is still filled with the cacophony of merchants hawking their wares and the vibrant chatter of townsfolk going about their daily routines.   The centerpiece of the district is the magnificent structure that looms high over the district, rivaled only by the Grand Cathedral in the center of town, the imposing clock tower. Its intricate clockwork mechanisms can be heard echoing throughout the streets, marking the passage of time with a resonant chime. The tower serves not only as the timekeeper for the citizens of the Central district, but as a symbol of how far Vallaki has come from its humble beginnings.   As one would explore the Central district they may come across a few hidden courtyards tucked away between the towering buildings. These secluded oases offer respite from the bustling crowds. The gardens and benches do not hold a candle to the impressive and beautiful displays of the Ruby district, they are still a pleasant find for those who look for them. Typically these gardens are attached to small businesses, such as the Blue Water Inn. The one belonging to the Blue Water Inn is by far the best within the Central district, the scent of blooming roses and the soft sounds of trickling water were carefully hand picked and crafted to block out the smells and monotony of the rest of Vallaki. These small havens offer a surprisingly serene atmosphere, a solace amidst the urban landscape.    

All is Well

The Central district offer many benefits to those who stay within its streets. Life within the streets of central is a lot easier compared to the rest of the city, with far fewer dangers pressing down against them. However, there is a trade off for this. And this trade off is the full brunt of the iron grip of the Baron, Vargas Vallokovich   At first glance, the tyranny of the Baron’s rule is not immediately visible. The people here, though oppressed, do their best to live their lives as well as possible. Vargas actively encourages his citizens to smile, so a passive, jovial countenance is not uncommon amongst Vallakians, however clearly fake it may be. The fear of the burgomaster's justice has long since been driven into them. Since the fall of the devil over thirty years ago, Vargas's paranoia over the return of the devil and the rivaling power of Leo Dilisnya and his Blood Church spurred a new age of cruelty within Vallaki. Believing in strict laws being required to keep the safety of Vallaki, Vargas has taken a iron grip approach to his rule.   Since his rulership was established he has made unhappiness malicious in the eyes of the law. Those who speak ill, those who show signs of unhappiness, are considered just as heinous a criminal as those who would commit murder. They are often put in the stockades in the center of town as a display of Vargas' power.   In addition a new "tradition" has been put into law. Every few weeks Vargas holds a festival that all within Vallaki are required by law to attend. Those who do not are treated as criminals and will be given a punishment that he believes befits such a heinous crime.   In truth not everyone attends these ritual as it is impossible to round up everyone every few weeks, but the fear of what might happen is enough to make at least the Center, Ruby, and Newbridge District inhabitants think twice.      

Important Locations

Beasts Rose  A talior shop with too much traffic for its size
Belfry Square Central Square of the District, the streets are mosly abandoned
Blinksy's Toys A toy shop run by Blinksy
Blue Water Inn The best tavern and Inn in Central
Burgomaster's Mansion The mansion held by Vargas Vallokovich 
Camilla's Greenhouse A privately owned Greenhouse long closed off from the world
Celegal's Hovel A small hovel that sells goods from the old traditions
Durst Manor A manor belonnging to a family that has not been seen in the past decade
Henrik's Carpentry A carpenter that specializes in coffin making
St. Andrels Orphanage One of the major orphanages run by the Blood Church
The Dusklight Supply Shop The main stockyard for adventurers and everyday goods
The Third Eye Potions and Sundries A potion shop run by a Vistani woman in an abandoned house
Yonvich and Sons The oldest bookshop in Vallaki, dating all the way back to the founding of the city
"The once bustling and glorious streets now stand empty, a testament to the past. Yet still, people survive, making thier homes and lives above the dangerous streets that monsters roam on at night."

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