Red Academy

The establishment of the Red Academy marks a significant turning point in Hazlan's history, particularly in its approach to magical education. Prior to its founding, arcane magic was strictly forbidden, with only Hazlik himself permitted to wield such power. Those who dared to practice arcane magic faced persecution by the Iron Faith and were hunted down by the agents of Hazlik.   However, following the Grand Conjunction and Hazlik's reversal on the study of magic, the landscape of magical learning in Hazlan underwent a dramatic transformation. The Red Academy emerged as the premier institution for magical education, symbolizing a newfound acceptance and encouragement of arcane studies.   Now, regardless of their background—be they Mulan or Rashemani—Hazlanis are actively encouraged to pursue the study of magic. The Mulan, in particular, are eager to embrace this cultural shift, seeing it as an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of their esteemed ancestors and attain greater power and prestige.   The Red Academy serves as more than just a place of learning; it becomes a pathway to power for ambitious Hazlanis, offering them the chance to harness arcane energies and ascend to positions of influence and authority. This shift in attitude towards magic reflects a broader societal change in Hazlan , where the pursuit of arcane knowledge is no longer condemned but celebrated as a means to personal and collective advancement.
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