
The Teg are one of the nine major Arak races. These wily fey are creatures of the wild, enjoying the presence of animals, and in particular hunting animals, more the presence of humanoids or even the other breeds of the Arak . This is not to say Teg are stupid, for they posses both cleverness and wisdom. The Teg possess the innate ability to communicate with animals typically encountered in woods and grasslands of temperate climate.   Teg are innate hunters, living for the kill but more so even the hunt. Though they typically hunt animals, they will take to hunting mortals with just as much or more aplomb if encountered in their hunts. Teg make hunted animals into food and hide accoutrements. The Teg also embody the spirit of exploration and create maps for the Arak . The Clockmaker claims the Teg have charted out the entirety of the Shadow Rifts interior.  
  • Excerpt from FraternityOfShadows.com
  • Basic Information


    Despite enjoying the killing act, teg take greater pleasure in stalking and even playing with their prey even more. A teg may set up traps and then herd victims into them before striking. Preferring to strike first from ambush, a teg lashes out with claw and bite.   The excited howl of a teg can send its prey into a complete state of disarray, as per the confusion spell. Teg may cast a limited number of animal-related divine spells.   Teg demonstrate a physical resiliency against weapons, save for those made of gold or of sufficient magical strength to harm them. They also enjoy total invulnerability to cold or ice attacks as well as weapons made of wood. However, teg also possess the universal shadow fey vulnerability to sunlight.
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