Three Odd Gables

Nestled at the very edge of a forbidding and ancient Tenebrarum Woods, three small cottages stand as a haunting and enigmatic presence. This eerie dwelling is both a sanctuary for the mysterious occupant and a place of strange attraction to the curious.  


The cottages are constructed from gnarled and twisted timbers, the walls a patchwork of dark, weathered wood. The roofs, covered in overgrown thatch, sag under the weight of centuries, creating a sense of decay and abandonment. The windows are narrow and slitted, like the eyes of a lurking predator, and are often shrouded in thick, heavy curtains that rarely allow light to escape.   The exterior of the cottages are surrounded by a tangled garden of thorny brambles and twisted, skeletal trees that seem to whisper secrets to the wind. It is said that the very ground around the cottages are cursed, causing plants to wither and animals to avoid the area.
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