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Begleiter Inn

Near Varrimores central travel shaft is Nachunt. A somewhat luxurious inn, with high prices to match. Its central location holds great economic importance, and has become synonymous with merchant travellers and tourists. The owner, Elmar Niekisch allows it to function as the only legal brothel in the city. Countless illegal ones can be found throughout the port.

Purpose / Function

The building was initially made as a mining office during the building of the passage to the Port of Varrimore.


A sizable extension was made to provide rooms for both forms of business to occur when originally built.


The inn was originally used for the mining operation during the central stairwells construction. The former owner, Madame Elsa, bought the site after construction finished and turned it into what it's known as today. Elsa insisted on Elmar becoming the new owner before she passed of old age. Elmar was a simple waitress at the time, though Elsa saw much compassion and talent within her, so trusted her to do right.


Merchants, travellers, nobles.   Most people come for the 'companionship' or the lodgings.
Founding Date
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location

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