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Bolotnaya Tribe

Bolotnaya are the easternmost tribe of the Bulrilg Confederation, inhabiting the northwestern edge of Pierwadz Forest. Lubcenzia are known for their skilled shipbuilders and engineering abilities, having assisted in many constructions throughout the confederation.


Bolotnaya are the least religious of the five tribes, having a severely diminished worship of Tempus in comparison to the rest of the Bulrilg. This in turn has allowed them to develop a strong tolerance of organized faith, having little problem with worship of any god, except when they would harm the progress that Bolotnaya seeks to bring. The tribe also has a sizable halfling population, a trait unique to them among the rest of the Bulrilg. Bolotnaya also have a lower orcish population than any of the other tribes, and while not hostile, are certainly the least welcoming to them.


Bolotnaya founded Lubca originally as a small community interested in testing out alchemical components found in the nearby Ilachekan Wetlands. As the rest of the Bulrilg does, they descend from Hakhrazian settlers. The community was never started as a formal tribe, rather a collection of what might be considered academics among the rest of their kin who found interest in the resources found among the wetlands of the area. Over time, people continued to settle in the area, and the relationships that formed among the inhabitants lead to their recognition as a tribe. Adopting the term Bolotnaya, meaning 'keen thought' in Damaran language, the Bolotnaya tribe had formed. They became well respected by nearby tribes, who would often come to the tribe when looking for carpenters, engineers of shipbuilders. Along with this Bolotnaya is known for having the highest amount of arcane magic users among the Bulrilg, though it still remains small in comparison to more sophisticated groups.

Bolotnayas role in the Childhood Agreement was to act as the scribe for the document ratified between the two combatants. In the prior fighting, they helped in the construction of defences to defend each town from the oncoming orc horde, along with siege weapons during the main pitched battle that occurred.

Strength can't help the stupid

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Bulrilgs Thought, East Bulrilg
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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