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Nyirdokolia Tribe

Nyirdokolia is the northernmost tribe of the Bulrilg Confederation and the most remote. It's former leader, Gotsinia Nyridokolia, was the child sent by the Bulrilg after the Childhood Agreement. Nyirdokolia is known among the Bulrilg for its warriors, and fighting prowess.


Members of the Nyirdokolia are often open to new people, particularly those different to themselves, but find new inventions or alterations to tradition a little harder to accept. They have an emphasis on needing its members to be strong warriors, regardless of their profession or background. This isn't necessarily valuing strength, but valuing ones ability to fight for themselves.


Nyirdokolia lays claim to the town of Rekadomoy as well as the surrounding fields. A small collection of hunting outposts around the town and also owned by the tribe.


Nyirdokolia was created by the remnants of Hakhrazian settlers who migrated west, though were largely forced out of the region by an incoming orc horde known as the Spine-Breakers. The original Nyirdokolia tribe founded the town of Rekadomoy after those events, constructing the first buildings of the town. While fighting has happened in the town with neighboring tribes, none that caused any lasting impact had happened. Nyirdokolia was long the most remote of the tribes that settled, and as such remained distant to the conflicts that had occurred between tribes further south.

Nyirdokolia would remain relatively isolationist until the events of the Childhood Agreement. Nyirdokolia was contacted by the other tribes of the region in regards to a proposition of confederation, and accepted reluctantly in order to combat the orcish threat that loomed from the north. During the brief ceasefire to discuss terms of peace, Gotsinia Nyridokolia, the son of the tribes chief at the time suggested the terms that were eventually agreed upon. Gotsinia went further to choose himself as the child to be traded, and would go on to marry an orcish woman - formally turning his own bloodline into one of both humans and orcs.

Demography and Population

Majority live within Rekadomoy, with small isolated groups living outside the capital.

Hard times bring the strong to the front

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Nyirdokolia, Northern Bulrilg, Bulrilgs Tusk
Head of State
Power Structure
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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