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Clan Jarufeller

The Jarufeller clan was one of the dwarven clans that crossed the Great Maw during the Great Migration, early in the Ascension. They founded the dwarfhold, Jynorhim in the Zapaykra Mountains of Northwest Skortenia. The clan was nearly destroyed by the Spine-Breakers in the year -106 AS.


Jarufeller is led by a Clanlord; as is common in most dwarf clans. Traditionally, the clanlord of Clan Jarufeller was selected from the descendants of the dwarfs who originally made the long migration from Tila'thyu through the Underdark to reach the region where Jynorhim was eventually settled and built upon. In total, 37 dwarfs and 13 different families survived the migration. Each surviving family of the migration was designated a 'Founding Family' and its family head was appointed to the Council of 13. Members of a founding family were forbidden from bearing children with those having direct bloodlines from other founding families.


The Jarufeller Clan have long held a strong belief that all dwarfs should have a place to call home and sought to make Jynorhim into such a place. Among its ranks were exiled or clanless dwarfs in addition to countless dwarf refugees whose clans had been largely destroyed. For dwarfs not descended from the original 37 dwarfs, there was never an expectation that they join the Jarufeller Clan and forsake their own. However, the clan had always let it be known to migrating dwarfs that it welcomes any stoutfolk who feel a strong kinship to Jarufeller and its members that they can join the clan if they wish.   They also approached races considered to be ancestral foes of dwarfs; such as orcs or goblins, with a far greater degree of tolerance than is allowed by much of their brethren. Some of this is due to their location in the world but much is also attributed to the long time the clans members had to think during their migration from Tila'thyu to Skortenia. The only notable exception is the clans relationship with elves, a connection that was always tenuous at best and downright bloody at its worst.   The symbol of Jarufeller features the dwarven words for 'dwarf home' - dwardrukar, written across a pair of outstretched hands.

Public Agenda

We strive to make best the lives of dwarf-kind throughout the entire known world and those regions unknown where dwarfs may dwell but are as yet unknown to the clan. - Bheliggs Jarufeller, one of the surviving dwarfs of the migration
Jarufeller had a dedication to two things: technological innovation and infrastructure.   Their view on technology was one of mutual beneficence - particularly with a few groups of rock gnomes known by the clan to live amongst the foothills of the Zapakyra Range. The Jarufellen pledge was to further advance the world forth and attempt to share those gains with the world, though primarily to do so for their typically stubborn dwarf brothers. In this regard, the clan always attempted to maintain cordial relations with other dwarf clans on the continent - to varying degrees of success. Breakthroughs made by Jarufeller were a mixture of weaponry, resource gathering and discovery, smithing and also engineering. The clan was helped in no small part by rock gnome ingenuity, leading to a unique blend of craftsmanship in their works.   A desire to make Zapakyra into a place where all dwarfs could dwell, resulted in numerous infrastructure projects undertaken in a bid to make it fit for them to arrive. The clan had built: the Great Passage to Jynorhim - a road network suitable for heavy traffic flow reaching as far south as Brur, the Barakrinhallax - a group of dwarf forts spread through the Underdark and meant to protect travelers and lastly the Araug Olfire Amalg - an enormous pit of molten lava used in forging.


From -2151 AS to -2103, various dwarf clans among the central mountain ranges of Tila'thyu were raided by various assailants, including, among others: a white dragon, gnoll warbands, both wood and dark elf, a demon worshiping cult and a goblinoid warband. This left innumerable dwarfs without a home, with many clans being destroyed entirely. After 12 years of wandering, Tyshdielle Jarufeller; then Tyshdielle Bordivarr made it her mission to find the remnants of those affected clans and search for a new land to settle. Succeeding in doing so, 186 dwarfs from 53 different clans set out to find a passage through the Underdark and across the Great Maw.   By the year -1963 AS, the dwarfs of the original expedition had dwindled to 37; many lost to attacks from the denizens of the Underdark, starvation, sickness or old age. In the same year the location for Jynorhim was discovered and the foundations were laid.   In -1690 AS, works started on the Great Passage to Jynorhim and a formal infrastructure plan for the region was hatched.   In -1651 AS, a trade deal was reached with some of the rock gnome families in the Zapakyran foothills and the clan recieved a hefty supply of adamantine.   In -1538, a demonic incursion from the lower Underdark was repelled along the southern gate.


In -106 AS, the orc-horde known as the Spine-Breakers attacked Jynorhim. Despite a valiant defence with countless orcs slain in the fighting, the dwarfhold of Jynorhim was eventually overrun and looted for almost all it was worth. About 800 dwarfs survived the attack and were scattered to the wind.   An attempt to reclaim the ruin was made in 259 DC, though this was met with failure after a number of stone giants who used the ruin for stone-carving chased the expedition away.   In 349 DC, the last known ancestor; Bretlin Jarufeller, of the original 37 dwarfs died of old age. Before her death, she announced the clan was to be formally disbanded and the few remaining dwarfs should forge their own new path in the world.

-1963 AS - 349 DC

Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
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