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Rekadomoy is a small town in the Bulrilg Confederation and the head of the Nyirdokolia Tribe. It is the northern most capital in the Bulrilg Confederation.


  • 70% Human (Mainly Damaran, with around 50 or so Mulysian)
  • 20% Half-orc
  • 4% Orc
  • 6% Other

Wealth Classes Everyone in Rekadomoy more or less is on the same wealth level.


A tower on either side of the river, along with a few outposts on the outskirts of the town.

Industry & Trade

Most inhabitants are farmers, hunters or trappers, with the goods recieved going to support the local community. A few shops exist, though these businesses typically need to import their goods from other areas, and subsist on the occasional travellers that pass through. Trade with the Sky-Watchers is often the trading of metal ores for food.


Collection of watermills by the river for grinding grain.   A bridge running over the Malenruka Fork.   Stores    


Warehouses for storing crops. Little in the way of monetary wealth, preferring to place wealth in specific items insteads.

Guilds and Factions

Redkostve Hunters - Run by Ilyesev Olegovich.   Nablyudateli - Run by Bogumir the Scribe.


The entire area of the Bulrilg Confederation was settled by the Hakhrazian Horde, after they fought and defeated the Spine-Breakers during a migration westward in the year 1258. The name Rekadomoy means 'river-home' in Damaran.The settlers in the area were in turn attacked by the Sky-Watchers, with many of the original settlers moving back east.


Tourism normally comes in the form of religious travellers, wishing to visit Aurils Love, or venture out towards the Sky-Watchers. Occasionally, small bands of orcs will pass through the area.


Wooden and thatch houses. Buildings are often addorned with small offerings to Auril, Helm and sometimes Tempus.


The town and accompanying farms are surrounded by thick taiga. The town has roughly a 300 foot break to the forests edge on the northern edge. On the southern face, this break is around 1000 foot.

Natural Resources

Wood from the nearby taiga forests. Iron from the river and wetlands to the north.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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