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Renhach is a small town at the edges of the Empire of Al'Quadash, though tends to act in an independent manner. Notably the town is known for its strong stock of horses, which it domesticated from the wild horses dotting the plains to the southwest.


Notable is the towns reverance of Silvanus, Chauntea, Mielikke and Eldath.


  As a result of heavy discrimination in Bathrania from 1474 after Maadai Ahmad instituted anti-elvish practices in Balmastaq, Renhach has a disproportionatley large elvish diaspora, resulting in a blend of elvish and local Chundan cultures. In addition small numbers of dwarves from the Aljidar Range, particularly those on clan pilgrimages and goblins dwell in the village.  


  Most people in the village tend to the farms on the opposite bank of the Samid River, though this is more often the case in the lead up to harvest seasons. Those with excess crops like to sail down the Samid to Balmastaq to sell their goods at market. Hunters, a few smiths, masons and carpenters also live in the village.

Industry & Trade

Renhach sits across from a flood plain with reliable intervals of flooding, providing a fertile ground with which to farm crops that the village relies upon heavily. This is the main source of industry and trade present, with most efforts to mine the met with little success owing to the nearby Aljidar Range lacking many caves in the north. 
Aside from farming, the village is known for its strong stock of horses, though these animals most often assist in farming. A sizable stable across the river is responsible for much of the villages horse breeding.

Points of interest

Marks of Nature

At the villages center are four small shrines, each depicting a different god normally associated with nature; being Chauntea, Silvanus, Eldath and Rillifane Rallathil. The god of the hunt, Malar has a shrines towards the villages edge, normally frequented by trackers just prior to any hunt.
Founding Date
Location under


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