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Aximand Garro

Former PC

A Paladin of Haephet and blacksmith originally from Eveavion, Aximond found adventuring later in life, after the loss of his family. Yet, at the conclusion of this, he retired to build the holy order known as the Knights of the Holy Fire in honor of Haephet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His father was a blacksmith whom he trained under as a teenager. In late teens, as many do, he began to look for adventure and set off to join the kingdom’s army where he served as a soldier in the king's army for many years. Eventually he left and returned to the town in which he had grown up to take over his recently deceased (the reason he left the army) father’s smithy and settled down. He married Stiorra and had Osbert and Alice Garro.   However after living peacefully for about a decade and staying strong and able from working in the smithy, a plague swept through the town killing his wife and children. Now, with everything he had built destroyed by the death of his family, he set out into the world in search of a new life away from the memories of his home kingdom and the life he had lived there. However, this did not go well and he began to struggle to make ends meet. In order to survive he began to take work as a sellsword and as a smith on the side. Eventually this led to him heading to the ruins of a city of the former Gylanese empire.   Expanded: Aximand’s father, Julian Garro, died of natural causes. Aximand left the army to take over his father’s smithy.  His mother died giving birth to him and he had no other siblings.   He was always a worshiper of Haephet, yet the death of his family led to his piety developing further and he began to devote himself to worshiping Haephet more seriously. He was always a good man who tried to do what was right and he eventually began to realize that he should fight for something more than just survival and money, instead he should fight for a higher purpose.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.


Contacts & Relations

The Bertie's Boys: Daeron Flamewatcher, Geldvan Trimalfiod, Leomer Bronwen, Miltoneus Forscythe, Willem Triggs.   He had a number of close companions before meeting the Bertie's Boys: Ezekiel Abaddon (living), Falkus Kibre (living), Tarik Torgaddon (died in battle), Garviel Loken (MIA). (These pages are still a work in progress).
Current Location
Year of Birth
1173 CE 57 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You're all heretics, even you by association!" (Said to a monk and fighter who both sold their souls, a bard who was resurrected by this act of the fighter, a wizard overcoming a permanent confusion spell, and the rogue)
Aligned Organization


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