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Leomer Bronwen

Former PC

Leo was raised by more distance relatives as the second son of the noble family in Teluque. His most famous accomplishments are as part of the Bertie's Boys team that discovered and reversed the cause of Gylanese's disappearance. Since then he became the first official diplomat between Teluque and Gylanese. In the recent years, this job has become extremely stressful and unstable, but he has also continued to run shadier busy that has helped keep him ahead of troubling times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leomer Bronwen of the House of Merigold, known as Leo to a small select circle of family and friends, was born into privilege as the second child and first son of Lord Jokden Elitt of the House of Bronwen and Lady Johanna Browen of the House of Bronwen, minor Teluque nobility. However, it was immediately evident that something was wrong. Unlike his human parents and sister (Merin) he carried unmistakeable signs of elven heritage. As an obvious bastard, as well as living testimony to his mother’s indiscretions, it was obvious that Leo would never be able to inherit the family title. Instead he was almost immediately fostered off to the Merigold family, slightly more important Teluque nobility with estates close to the Gylanese border and an illustrious history going back long before the collapse.     Instead of the miserable childhood he might otherwise have endured, Leo instead grew up happy as a ward of the Merigolds. He was about the same age as Angus, the oldest child (there are also two younger twins, Laura and Jonathan) and the two grew up together and became extremely close. Leo considers his true family to be the Merigolds, and views Angus, Laura and Jonathan as his siblings as well as Lady Alison Telmor of the House of Merigold and Lord Edrian Merigold of the House of Merigold as his parents. He very occasionally meets his birth family (he now also has a younger biological half-sister, Elamer) at societal gatherings where relations are chilly and tense but pointedly polite. All know his existence is an uncomfortable fact the Bronwens don’t like to be reminded of. He has never met his biological elven father, and does not even know his name.   As they grew up all four Merigold children received the finest of noble education, being taught a wide range of subjects they would need to know to take their places as adults of society and business. Angus, as the oldest birth child, was groomed as heir to the Merigold household. Leo, as ward, was groomed to take over as Angus’ right-hand man; trusted advisor, confidante and protector, with no legitimate claim to any title which might pose a conflict of interest and with a pre-existing emotional bond ensuring that he’d always have Angus’ best interests at heart. As part of this training he was taken under the wing of the House’s aging spymaster, Magda, who had served a similar role for Angus’ father and grandmother. Magda taught him the physical and mental skills he would need to one day take over all or some of her responsibilities. He learned to observe people, to read lips and pick locks and look like someone other than himself. He learned history and economics and social skills and etiquette. He learned to talk sweetly in many different languages and to lie smoothly when necessary. He learned some skills with a blade and bow, as befitting of a nobleman, and to always carry a concealed dagger just in case an assassin came at Angus.   When news arrived of the strange new ruins found in the wasteland of Gylanese, the Merigolds took immediate interest. With holdings close to the border and as one of the few noble Houses to have survived the fall of Gylanese and the transition into Teluque any new developments from the area present immediate political and historical interests for the House. Additionally, the Merigolds had now-deceased relatively close relatives that were less lucky during the fall who had had their holdings in what is now the wasteland, so there is the potential that the House has claim to any artefacts found, if they can establish a foothold in the area. These multiple interests meant that Edrian wasted no time in organising a Merigold-funded party of scholars and warriors to set out and explore the new ruins.       Party members:   Angus:  Below average height but broadly built, short and stocky obvious visible muscles. Slightly darker skin than Leo, tightly curled hair left about 3-4 centimetres long into an afro (though I doubt that specific term exists in this world), brown eyes. Leo’s brother and best friend. No magic, trained in fighting as well as business and politics and everything else the heir to a House should know; better at the bow than at the sword.   Lysa Amborn:  Arcanist, scholar, long-time employee of the Merigolds. Mid-30s, tall, straight black hair kept chin-length but amber eyes and lighter skin indicating foreign origins or ancestry. Leo has known her for years, but not well. She’s mostly done House mage stuff (enchanting items, identifying stuff, magical R&D, arcane advisory) and was definitely sent along with the idea that she’d be invaluable with research and bring back a lot of useful knowledge from the ruins but would also need a lot of protecting; Leo’s been pretty impressed by how well she’s been able to hold her own in the combats they’ve gotten into.   Markel Flynt:  Scholar, priest. There is a relatively large temple to Ocelia on Merigold lands which has been there a very long time, and which has historically had quite good connections with the family whose lands they nominally rent (for the price of a copper piece a year, ceremoniously then offered by the lord/baron of the House of Merigold back to Ocelia in a ritual offering, as long as relationships between the House and the temple remain good). Markel is a mid-to-high (but not SUPER important) ranked acolyte of this temple. His presence on the mission is both a sign of interest from the temple itself, but also as an extra researcher to look out for the interests of the Merigolds given the close relationship between the House and the temple, as well as ‘hey maybe having a medic along would be useful’. So he serves a dual role as scholar and healer, and as a representative of Ocelia’s (and, more pragmatically, her clergy’s) interests as well as those of the Merigolds. Again, Leo had only really encountered more high-ranking priests of the temple, but Markel is quiet and thoughtful and competent. Late 20s, fairly standard Teleque human in build (medium brown skin, stocky and not super tall, dark eyes and hair (kept cropped very short)).   Annabella (Anna) Merigold:  Distant relative of the ruling Merigold family. Slightly darker skin than Angus, short and stocky and curvy, perpetually unkempt thick brown hair with a bandana to keep it out of her eyes and usually goggles (Leo never found out exactly what they do) pushed up on her forehead. Scientist/scholar, of some description, somewhat prone to acting before thinking things completely through. Leo thinks she’s erratic and volatile, doesn’t know why Edrian put her on the mission, and doesn’t quite trust her despite having no rational reason not to.   Damien Boone:  Experienced member of the Merigold guard. Mid-40s. Tall, broad, medium-dark skin, dark brown eyes, wears his brown hair shoulder-lengthish and tied up, small beard. Angus and Leo have known him pretty much their whole lives, and he’s probably helped train them in combat. He’s a talented and experienced member of the guard and fairly high up the ranks but not so important or critical to them that it’s an awful loss that he’s away on this mission. As the oldest and most experienced party member he’s probably offering up lots of advice.   Teegan Crockwell:  Younger but talented member of the Merigold guard. Mid-late 20’s. Taller and leaner than usual for Teleque, muscular and athletic but in a leaner climber/runner/acrobat sense rather than obvious bodybuilder muscles. Darker skin than most Teleque people also, black hair kept short and dark eyes. Angus and Leo will have known her since she got hired about five years ago, but not very well. Friendly but tries to keep a layer of professionalism between herself and everyone else.   Eleanor Tyre:  Since all expeditions had to be organised through the House of Vesnera, this expedition was assigned a helper/’babysitter’, someone to keep an eye on the Merigolds, make sure everything was conducted legally, and report back to Baron Vesnera and the government. Angus definitely resents having a ‘babysitter’, although he gets why; Leo understands why she’s necessary and is scrupulously polite to her, but also thinks things would be easier if she weren’t around. There’s a little bit of a divide between her and the rest of the party, and her cold and terse nature doesn’t entirely help. Average female height, typical Teleque human, long brown hair usually tied back in a braid, fine clothing.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.


Contacts & Relations

The Bertie's Boys: Aximand Garro, Daeron Flamewatcher, Geldvan Trimalfiod, Miltoneus Forscythe, Willem Triggs.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1201 CE 29 Years old


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