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An aristocracy of scheming nobles looking for both the power they want and think they deserve and the power they feel they were robbed of by Bakianna. Often concerned with internal rivalry and treachery, Innarea has recently been organizing and looking once more outwards to the lands around it. They are now marching on the Otakai pass and raiding into Bain Nard.  


A group of southwestern nobles of Bakianna declared their intentions to leave the kingdom in 959 and it looked like Bakianna was about to plunge into another succession war when, only months later in 960, an agreement was signed. The discontented nobles would be allowed, under Bakianna law, to found their own nation with the provisions that the new nation, later called Innarea, would form a permanent alliance with Bakianna to aid in all wars that threaten the mother country, recognize the monarch of Bakianna in a time of crisis, and acknowledge their descent from Bakianna.   But as generations passed, fewer Innareans liked the Founding Agreement but since Bakianna never invoked the agreement this dislike remains passive to the present day. However Innarea’s nobles slowly built the country’s military power in the hopes of expanding the borders especially to take control of the Otakai pass, a major trading route between the Stron and Wernt Mountains. This increase became apparent to neighboring nations around the 1114 and they began to keep a close and suspicious watch on her nobles activities. But the nobles quickly started to feud between themselves over immediate control of the armies and the threat of invasion had passed by 1117.   Then in 1215, a noble known only by the name, The Revered, began to united the nobles of Innarea through a mixture of coercion and military force. Now, again, Innarea’s neighbors are increasing their watch on their borders and the tension of an impending war is felt throughout the entire region.
Founding Date
960 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Cheala Talons; copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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