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The ever watchful and peaceful oligarchy of Morenth where law-abiding dragons live side by side with humans has always been wary of Bakianna. But has been quite friendly and helpful with Tajarat's academic explorations to ancient sites. Beyond high mountains and a plethora of dragons, Morenth has not much of note.


Morenth was founded the same year as Cheala. The dragons, discontent with the running of Esclaith (and ancient kingdom whose destruction was the beginning of the Chealain Empire) headed east, following the San mountains. They settled and founded the nation of Morenth in the eastern reaches of the San Mountains.   Morenth has remained a relatively secluded kingdom, preferring to be left alone. In 32, people from the the small city state, Damoc (also founded with the destruction of Esclaith), fled eastward from the ever growing Chealain Empire, they sought and gained refuge in Morenth where their descents live to this day.   In the year 394, when the Wolntareans fell to Cheala, Morenth established watch on its southern borders to guard against the possibility of an attack from Cheala, the Empire however turned its attention to Bain Nard, suspecting that Morenth would be too hard to conquer. Morenth maintained this watch until the Destruction of 501 (which did kill many of their own) when the Chealain Empire fell.   Over the next hundred years, a boom in population growth started to cause overcrowding so a small group was sent to try and find a new home. This expedition was sent out in 593, it came back two years later with the news of a mountain range to the south that was unclaimed. Prospective settlers journeyed to this new range over the next seventeen years, before establishing the nation, Bern, in 612 and cutting off all ties with Morenth.   When Bakianna was founded in 716, Morenth again became watchful and protective. Since then the nation has kept a suspicious eye on Bakianna, knowing the greed of humans. The nations has maintained throughout its existence friendly relations with Kasinthenel and Strokec. When Tajarat declared and won their independence from Bakianna, Morenth kept their distance, watching to see what kind of nation Tajarat would be. In 1152, when Tarajat established its schools of site exploration Morenth became more friendly.


In addition to the Cheala Pantheon, Morenth recognizes the last remembered Dragon God, Essani.
Founding Date
0 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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