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The oldest dwarven settlements on the continent are in Strokec, an aristocracy where they mine and build in massive underground constructions. It is here that the best stoneworkers can be hired as, while the craft of metalworking left with the dwarves to Gloif, none have ever rivaled the building skills of the Strokec dwarves.


Strokec has had a fairly peaceful existence. It was founded before Cheala, and, like the Elves of Kasinthenel and the Dragons of Morenth, the Dwarves of Strokec are the decendents of those that left Esclaith before its fall. When Cheala began its march eastwards conquering lands, Strokec was lucky. The Dwarves either destroyed the entrances to their caves that were not needed or hid the ones that were. This strategies proved successful against the Chealan armies who could not find the entrances so the Empire left Strokec alone.   The nation never really relied on magic so the Destruction of 501 did not affect the dwarves. But because the first 5 centuries or so were relatively peaceful, overcrowding became a problem. So in 543, like Morenth did later, Strokec sent out a search party to find a possible new home. Soon groups of dwarves were moving from the San Mountains to the Stron Mountains (to the south) and in 578 these settlers would found Gloif.   After this Strokec kept an eye to its population and events in the world around it. When Eveavion rose, Strokec kept a close watch on its neighbor, this watch lapsed during Eveavion’s Golden Age, but has since been re-established with the constant warring between Eveavion and Phamos. Strokec has also had off and on tensions with Kasinthenel, though both know that a war between them would be bad for both parties involved as plenty of other nations might use the opportunity to attack as well. Now arguments have begun over land and air rights with its neighbors Kasinthenel and Morenth.
Founding Date
Before 0 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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