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Old schools and older lands is what this monarchy is known for. One has not received a proper education if one has not attended a Tajarat school. Known across the continent for the most rigorous classes and widest breadth of subjects it is the place to receive a degree. Tajarat also holds strong influence over the northern trading, having an advantageous position on the continent.


Tajarat was first a part of Bakianna for many years but when Zendon Danren took Bakianna’s throne in 893, instigating his changes, unrest began to grow (most nobles in the western region of Bakianna did not want to worship a deity they saw as evil). This unrest quickly grew, especially among the populous leading to a civil war breaking out in 901.   The war dragged on until it finally ended in 918 when Bakianna’s general was killed by a stray arrow. After winning the war and establishing itself as a monarchy, Tajarat made a few brief explorations westward (to its current border) but interest in expansion faded by 925.   Camantha was established in 1010 to the west of Tajarat. Conflict soon broke out between Tajarat and Camantha over borders but in 1018 an agreement was written and signed by both nations. Since then the two nations have been at relative peace with one another and only occasional disputes between border nobles have occurred.   Since 1152 Tajarat has turned to exploring ancient sites within its borders, going as far as making joint teams with Camantha, Gloif, and Morenth to explore their neighbor’s ancient sites too. With this Tajarat has become renown for its excellent schools in ancient site exploration.
Founding Date
918 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Cheala Talons; copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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