Alberic Edyhabrueja

ALBERIC "Edabéa" EDYHABRUEJA Owner/Operator of Edabéa Alkimia  
Overview: Alberic has resided in Almozen as long as anyone still living can remember, for at least as long as the 8 generations of Elcano men have been in power. Either as a gesture or out of annoyance, he shortened and changed his surname to Edabéa, something the humans could pronounce in the common tongue. Every year or so, he has been known to leave the city for months on end and no one seems to know where he goes or why.     Appearance: Very well groomed, long clean silver hair, and dressed in an elegant style but with clothing built specifically from materials for magical utility and purpose. He stands tall with good posture at 6' 3" and seems very capable and athletic for his age, whatever that might be. His eyes shimmer with a golden hue and glow with Amaro's Light when he taps into the source. Two prominent scars on his forehead remain from a procedure he performed on himself to protect his mind from psionic attacks.     History: For centuries, Alberic has operated the Magic Shop and maintained his primary home in Almozen City. On numerous occasions, his powerful magical abilities have been instrumental in saving the town from catastrophe. Although not a clergyman, he has always been a driving force in keeping faith in the Old God of Light, Amaro Sarmash, alive and flourishing.     Affiliations:
  • Alberic is a close friend and confidant of Indársu Morroia, the Almozen Court Wizard.
  • Two of the four Knight's of Amaro High Council are Alberic's sons, and each possesses a "Ray of the Sun God".
  • Many of the Clergy in the Temple of the Dawn God, including the Arch Bishop, are beholden to him for services he's rendered in Amaro's Light.
  • He is well respected and esteemed by organizations for the magically adept and many circles of high-society from every corner of Hepulchor.
    Location of Operation: Alberic' magic shop, Edabéa Alkimia is located near the Southeast Gate entrance to Almozen City.     Current Events: Unbeknownst to anyone, Alberic has been responsible for creating and fostering a "Half-Elf Army" of soldiers for nearly two centuries! During his periodic visits to Calso and several other cities within Almozen County, some of the most beautiful, physically strong and religiously devout women in those towns would actively seek Alberic out, believing that winning his love and bedding him would produce children blessed by Amaro's Light. A rumor he himself had started over 150 years ago! Alberic has secretly provided for all the women he has chosen, and many of his offspring have been groomed to become Knights of Amaro, serving under his guidance at the Temple of the Dawn God.    
Level: 12 Wiz; 3 Ethereal Knight / AC: 9 / HP: 47
Attribute / Score / Modifier
STR 13 +1
DEX 14 +1
CON 15 +1
INT 17 +2
WIS 16 +2
CHA 15 +1
Racial Abilities, Elf: Enhanced senses, day (elven sight, listen checks +2), Twilight Vision, Move Silently (wilderness), Spell Resistance (+10 vs charm/sleep), Spot Hidden Doors (auto w/in 5', active search +2 Wis.), Weapon Training (+1 BtH)   Spells (Spell lvl->#spells):
Level 0->6; 1st lvl->6; 2nd lvl->5; 3rd lvl->4; 4th lvl->3; 5th lvl->3; 6th lvl->2   Proficencies: ?   Weapons: ?   Armor: none   Abilities: ?   Notes: Born 6912AD in Almozen, Alberic and thousands of native elves from the area helped defend the growing settlement during the Reign of the Dragon Kings when he was 39 years old. Several centuries afterward, most of the other elves moved out of the growing city, opting for the natural beauty and seclusion of Neila on the eastern shores of Oparoa Lake. Today, Alberic is one of only a handful of Elves living in Almozen City.
Alberic Edyhabrueja
Almozen City


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