The Legend of Hidal Santua Gudari

& the "Rays of the Sun God"

  The tale begins with the First Knights who climbed the holy summit of the Mendi Tontorra mountains, where Amaro-Sarmash himself pierced the mountaintop with his Spear of Divine Light, long before the time of the first recorded ages. It was there they ventured beneath the tallest peak, into a cave filled with thousands of gems emanating The Father's radiant glow. At the base of the enormous crystal spire left behind by Amaro's scorching strike, the Knights discovered four sentient enchanted weapons they would later dub "The Rays of the Sun God."

Of these weapons, it was Lazindarsul, the heavy lance, which explained to the Knights that every century, on the summer solstice of the 25th year, The Four would need to be returned here and placed back into the crystal before the rise of the red moon. Without The Four present, the power of the spell holding "Segaztoan the Defiler" trapped beneath the pillar would diminish, allowing it to call out for aid. The Knights took up The Four Rays and vowed to them that they would return on the 25th year of every century to keep the evil contained. The Knights would witness the red moon rise just the following year and heed the warning, keeping their vow.

However, as new generations of Knights took up the mantle and the weapons were passed down, the importance of the ritual faded, and two of the Rays were taken far from the mountain to help win the wars of men. In the summer of 2225AB, just two centuries after the First Knights made their vow, only the Rays Lazindarsul and Pulantuzea were present to suppress the desperate cries of Segaztoan echoing down the mountainsides, begging through the night in unknown ancient languages to be released from his prison. The power of Two was not enough and the spell was further weakened by the red moon's light.

Miles away in Al'Shiael, somewhere among the craggy peaks to the northeast of the Sunless Mountains, the Blue Dragon Danaidyowhe heard the woeful pleas of the Defiler. As dawn approached, he flew over the Alferra River from Al'Shiael toward the settlement of Calso. He melted villagers with arcs of lightning, shredded livestock with his talons, toppled buildings and screamed for the release of "Segaztoan" before flying to the top of Mendi Tontorra.

As the wyrm landed and started to destroy the unfinished Temple of the Dawn God, two Knights emerged from the The Crystal Cavern below, wielding the magical weapons and riding their steeds to meet Danaidyowhe in battle and defend the holy spire that held Segaztoan captive. The Knights were Hidal Dakoak Lehenik wielding Pulantuzea the partisan, and Hidal Santua Gudari with Lazindarsul the heavy lance in hand. Working together, both Knights were able to fend the Dragon off from continuing its attack on the crystal prism, dealing mighty slashes and strikes with the aid of their enchanted weapons. A small group of the surviving Clerics from the Temple were able to join the fight and helped drive the beast back into the air and off of the mountaintop. These men had no knowledge of Dragonslaying, and none of the Knights or Clerics had any idea just how much more powerful Danaidyowhe was in flight, but The Rays of the Sun God knew. They called out a warning for the combatants to keep the Dragon grounded, but the words came too late.

Danaidyowhe was aloft in a moment, and the men's hair stood on end as the electricity in the air gathered. A blue lightning bolt burst forth in a white-hot arc from the Dragon's mouth, ripping through three Clerics and killing Hidal Dakoak's horse, which fell back and pinned him to the ground! Danaidyowhe swooped down, grabbing another Cleric and Hidal Dakoak in his claws, then swiftly carried them over the steep cliffs of the mountain peak and dropped them to their deaths.

Lazindarsul begged Hidal Santua to cast all fear and doubt aside and put his complete faith in Amaro-Sarmash, trusting that by his grace they would be victorious and keep the Evil sealed in the mountain where it belonged. Should they fail, human-kind would be plunged into darkness and destined for destruction. The Lance said Hidal Santua must recover Pulantuzea the partisan, then hold the weapons together in his hands while praying to The Father for strength and power.

Danaidyowhe flew around the peak and circled back toward the Crystal Spire while Hidal Santua rode quickly and reached down to grab Pulantuzea as he passed the spot where Hidal Dakoak and his mount were struck, righted himself in the saddle, and shouted his hopeful prayer to the heavens over the sound of the galloping hoofbeats. As he beseeched his God for aid, the lance and partisan began to glow brilliantly with Amaro's Light and coalesce from their tips down into a single fiery Greatlance! Hidal Santua screamed in pain from the intense heat as the weapons fused together, melding with his hand and arm in the process. Through tear-filled eyes, Hidal Santua fixed his sights on the Dragon, spurred the horse into a full run, and lowered the tip of the blazing weapon in line with its target.

As Danaidyowhe began to dive through the air toward him, the armored warrior charged at full speed, his horse leaping off the mountain from a high ridge. The drake's eyes narrowed while his razor sharp talons spread wider, eager to seize Hidal Santua and tear him to pieces. The Dragon and Knight collided violently in the sky, instantly disappearing from view inside a huge explosion of sparks, blinding light, fire, and electricity! A shockwave of energy from the blast was felt for miles around. However, again separated, only Pulantuzea and Lazindarsul fell to the ground after the epic clash. Nothing remained of the battling foes but embers, ash, and smoke floating on the mountain breeze.

The few who remained alive to witness the battle on Mendi Tontorra that day said the souls of the men who fell in defense of the spire were escorted by The Father on rivers of sunlight into the Ethereal Plane. Many believe Hidal Santua Gudari now sits at the foot of Amaro's throne, exalted as a shining example of man's unyielding faith in the power of God.


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