
Graystone Keep

Baroness Von Bauwon and her court rule the northwest region of Gothmyr and the towns within it. The Graystone keep is a bastion of civilization in the middle of a dangerous wilderness. The Keep sits on the western bank of the Nevermelt river and protects the more civilized lands to the east from the close Wildreach and even closer dangers deep within the ancient Brambledeep Forest.
Graystone Keep is the home of the Baroness of the Midlands. Graystone is a huge bluestone keep, forged long ago by dwarves of the Western Cobalt Mountains. The trees were gifted by the ancient high elves of Rhil'Heeyl"> to form the frame and the surrounding fortifications.
Graystone keep is the ruling seat of the Barony it presides over. There are roughly fifteen small towns and eight large towns that pay taxes within. There are many small mobile huntsman camps and what they call "jacktowns", a collection of lumberjack hastily made cabins near the edge of the Ettinwood Forest's edge.
The town surrounding the Baronial keep called Graystone Keep is merely called Graystone. A loose collection of homes, shops and a few churches are positioned within the bosom of the Graystone keep's protection. The town is a warm and inviting place, often hosting parties and festivals. Most of the trade of the barony come through Graystone. Fish, mud and peat from Cadfurt and Rhode in the south, to Ale and wheat from Korstat and Stone and coal from Holzhard to the north. Graystone has also become the stopping point for pilgrims and paladins headed west to Eilyene's Eye">. The Eye is not in the Barony, but still supported when aid is called for.
Graystone Keep sits near its norther edge, as it guards and lords over the northwest corner of the Nation. The barony's official boundary reaches south to Icecrown Lake to the east into the middle of the Ettinwood Forest, to Rhilheeyl river to the west. The north border of her land sits a days march north of Holzhard, past Korstat. Countess Von Bauwon doesn't recognize the eastern half of the Ettinwood Forest, or the small towns on the eastern river, like Vodton"> or Piersdorf">. Her royal Baroness expects The eastward barony, Araburg"> to control and claim That half of the Fangdrop. Araburg expects Graystone to do the same, So Vodton"> and Piersdorf"> are left to rule themselves, and is part of the reason it now is run as it is.

The keep has been ruled by various families and lords through the years, but we will detail the most current ruler. Graystone keep and its lands is presided over by Countess Samantha Von Bauwon. Countess is a tall, statuesque half elf of a noble bloodline. Her black hair is always in the latest King's Watch fashion and her emerald green eyes glitter when politics are afoot. She enjoys her station and is always the most perfect example of a noble lady of the court. She boasts thirty court members And enjoys the attention and adoration her loyal sycophantic court members shower her with. She has man and woman suitors and her stable of ready lovers is long and staggering. She keeps abreast of all goings on in King's Watch and she has constant servants making trips into the city to gather news and rumors.
Countess was a lover of Prince Jeggred, but somehow was exiled from the royal court and has been "given' the gift of Graystone Keep. Countess Claims she was given the keep as a strategic location to aid in defense of the King's Watch Throne. Her heraldry is a masoned gray and argent in fess point 2 dragon displayed combatant sanguine on a chief embattled or a viscounts crown sable.
  The People:
The people residing around Graystone are pleasant and inviting. The famers and lumber mill are very industrious and bring in huge profits for the Countess. The people of Graystone Keep and surrounding town are friendly and welcome newcomers, especially if they look like they could be adventurers, or glory seekers. Most townsfolk will pry for stories of glory or excitement from far off lands, seeking news from further south or even from the capitol. Discounts can be had at  shops and even homes for trade of discussion or news from outside for food, lodging or discounts on goods.

Places of Interest:
  • Graystone Keep. "The Pinehall court"
  • Glorious Jenel's General Goods and oddities
  • Hammerfall Smithy and Alehouse
  • Sir Reginald's Fine Maps and Antiquities
  • Greater Church of Prens
  • The Sleepy Gorgon (Inn)
  • Fireside Spirits (Tavern and Inn)
  • Ullak Lumber Mill
  • The Market Tents
  • Adams Stables
  • Krumbill's Horses
  • Bolkirk Estate
  • Edgartons Orchards
  • Hall of Justice/ Temple of Palin
  • Wizard's Apothecary Shop
Masoned gray and argent in fess point 2 dragon displayed combattant sanguine on a chief embattled or a viscounts crown sable

Countess Samantha Von Bauwon

Large city
10% dwarf
5% other

Baroness, appointed

Countess Samantha Von Bauwon

Included Organizations:
Council of Graystone
Ettinwoad Rangers
Order of Violet shield
Order of the Gray Vale
Arcane Sisterhood

Northern Temperate, Rainy

Included Towns:
Eilyene's Eye
  Included Churches:
Eilyene-8 Prens-4 Palin-4 Keylis-9 Nimbos-2 Silvein-4


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