Huer Empire Organization in Eglorix | World Anvil
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Huer Empire

" The Huer Empire is a nation of strong believers. Worshiping Ziztar and the ideology given by thier Saints. Magic simplifies and and amplifies, death is no reason to stop the work of the Empire. They have opened their borders to my expedition. There is great beauty in this land and the works of the Empire. Are the rumors to be believed?"
Finare Runelenrin The Huer Expedition

The Fall of Shadows

Near the end of the 2nd Epoch the Lords of Shadow began to show weakness and their hold over Eastern Huer began to loosen. Whenever this would occur the Lords would return to their ancestral home, Val en Keep to gather their strength. On this night the Empire's first saint was born, Ophin Maltanthir received a vision from Ziztarr, God of death and defied his order. While the Lords were gathering their strength he put them to the sword. Banishing the shadow and releasing the people from tyranny.    

The Saints

Ophin followed his visions across Huer towards the Cavern of Waste. He saw the land awaking from years of subjugation and control it was as if it was the first day they had seen the light. Sadly peace and freedom could not last as the puppets of the Lords of Shadow struggled to regain their position and control. Ophin's visions lead him to a young priest named Acausect chained deep within the caverns of wastes for disobeying the shadow. Ophin freed Acausect and the other prisoners and lead them into the light of day. Upon reaching the light Acausect received a revelation from Ziztarr, God of death and spoke to the other prisoners with power and holy authority. Those who would hear became the Army of the Saints and those who refused fled and spread the tale.    

A New Ideology

The Army of the Saints did not have to wait long before they were tested. They made their way to Penrith and began to spread the word of Ziztarr and the lessons he wanted the people of Huer to hear. Within the week Verl, one of the Shadows puppets, self-proclaimed ruler of Penrith sent his army to dispatch this new group. The Saints and Verl's soldiers clashed in the fields outside the town. Outnumbered by more than double and poorly untrained The Saint's new order seemed doomed. However, as the battle raged members of the Army of Saints who fell would simply rise up to fight again, and before long the same began to happen to Verl's soldiers. They would fall, rise again and turn on their brethren. What appeared to be a lost cause became the First Miracle of Acausect. News of the miracle spread through the land. The Army of the Saints began its journey to the former capital.  

The Great Empire

In the remnants of the old empire, people were suddenly aware of what their past had been like and were eager to welcome the Saints especially if they were under the new tyranny of those trying to claw back their former power. Within a few short months, the Saints had claimed the former Capital a few short years what was once the Empire of the Lords of Shadow was the Huer Empire. Fueled by the charisma of its Saints, a new ideology, and its undead armies few could stand in its way and most regions joined willingly. Thusly in the first years of the 3rd Epoch in the Western part of Huer the Huer Empire was formed with the Church of the Empire and there were many years of great growth. The area's left to ruin and shambles by the Lords became the first projects of the Church. The undead soldiers were just as effective with tools and the plow under the guidance of the Church. The Church build homes and farms for those who needed them, rebuilt towns left to rot or destroyed by warfare the tireless efforts of its servants built and fed an empire from ruins in years not decades. What was once viewed with fear was now a gift from Ziztarr and the new way of the Empire.      

The Call and Crusade

As the years advanced and the Empire grew strong it began to see that its new ideology and beliefs would benefit all peoples of Huer. It began its first expansion into the reaches of Huer that were never tamed by the Shadow and encountered great resistance. The emissaries of the Church were turned away, then forced, then sent back in pieces. A young priest by the name of Fildaerae received a vison of a united Huer under Ziztarr's holy banner. The banner then unfurled to protect all of Eglorix. She shared the vision with High Priest Acausect, he declared her the Third Saint. The Church then declared a Holy Crusade to enact the will of Ziztarr. Fildaerae was given the banner of the Empire, command of its army, and declared Holy Executor of the Crusade. With Holy fury, the Empire began its crusade across all of Huer. Bolstered by its undead and the undead of its conquered the opposing nations and cultures were subjugated and rewritten to become the Empire. It was slow and bloody but the crusade never faltered until it hit the Caledon Heights and the United Dwarven Clans. The Dwarves and the Huer Empire have been at war for centuries the Caledon Heights and the ingenuity of the dwarves has forced an unspoken and tenuous halt to major military maneuvers. Though both skirmish often and are always looking for ways to best the other.   With the stalemate against the dwarves the crusade turned its eyes to the Fallion Archipelago however this was vastly more complicated by the chaos of the seas during the 3rd epoch. Since the seas have calmed the 4th epoch has seen Fallion begin to fall quickly to the unrelenting assault.             The Huer Empire rules all but the eastern quarter of the Huer continent. The Huer believes in the strength of magic and its power to rule. They use Necromancy and the undead to serve their ends and handle the mundane tasks deemed unsuitable for the living. The only restriction in the pursuit of power is unlife, Vampirism and becoming a Lich. Life is sacred but once the vessel is vacated it has little to do but serve. The Huer believes this to be a higher quality of life and intends to bring the rest of Eglorix to this realization by force if necessary.
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Notable Members





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