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"He was empty. But he proved that a void is not always still nor peaceful. There lived inside him a gaping darkness fraught with the echoes of wailing and gnashing of teeth, and it yearned to be filled, and it never could."
Dzuzce, god of destruction and murder, was the subject of the swiftest and greatest assaults, temptations, and corruptions at the hands of Nihilus, who quickly twisted his mind away from any bent towards creation and drove him into a feverish need to destroy as utterly as was within his power. Dzuzce considered himself the opposite of Evendur; what he had made, Dzuzce aimed to unmake. It was his firm belief that the union of body and soul, of physical and spiritual, was an unnatural, disgusting thing that he had to disrupt. This union relentlessly scratched and tore at his mind and drove him to commit terrible acts of carnage throughout the first age. But it wasn’t enough just to kill and destroy; Dzuzce longed to annihilate, to incinerate, to hurl the material plane into oblivion and leave nothing behind at all, for he could sense Evendur’s presence within every single aspect of the material plane, and as long as the material plane existed, so would the union of physical and spiritual. He at first attempted to lay waste to humanoid settlements, but was apprehended by Rōz-El, goddess of life—so for a long time he settled for lesser undertakings, causing droughts and floods and plagues in lesser known areas. He is said to have been responsible for the desolation of the Felllands, among other barren places. According to ancient tradition, he believed that acts of destruction the likes of which he undertook would further the Kingdom of Naught in turn. Dzuzce is portrayed as a hulking man, usually 9-12 feet tall, entirely covered in charred armor and wielding a sword covered in blood, flames licking at his feet.


His parents were Fierel and Illethar. He was allied with Damakos during the Battle for Talazic, though tradition generally portrays this alliance as shaky at best; he and Damakos held very different goals, and were constantly trying to undermine those of the other.


Dzuzce's followers are few and clerics are incredibly rare. He is worshiped by some races that value destruction and chaos over all else, such as magmins.

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