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"I tell you this in all earnestness: humility is for mortals. Bend the knee, and all shall be as it should be."
Damakos, lord of conquest and tyranny, is known for his continuous bloody endeavors to conquer and rule which were the bane of all good-aligned deities throughout the Age of the Meydra. In the beginning he felt very much a need to take what he saw for himself, and when he discovered the beginnings of combat training he leaped headlong into honing his skills. He rapidly became almost as powerful as Mannaret himself, and fell from Evendur's grace just as quickly. He forged many alliances and made many enemies during his time in Ekaia, most of which still harbor the same strong feelings towards him even today. The towns he leveled exist today only in ruin, most of their names lost to time. Damakos is portrayed as a humanoid in dark armor adorned with spikes, his foot resting upon a mountaintop.


Damakos's followers tend to be warlords and corrupt military leaders. Anyone who desires power by means of the seizing of land and resources may pray for his assistance.


Damakos had one child, Brell, though he did not have much of a relationship with her mother Shej and indeed did not want to be a parent. Most of his relationships were through the business of war. He was an enemy of all good-aligned Meydra, and took the advice of Shard in order to manipulate Fierel to his advantage throughout his campaign to overtake Talazic. He additionally had a partnership with Dzuzce.

The Battle for Talazic

Damakos was observed by celestial servants to be assembling his forces, and when word reached the other Meydra, they staged a counterattack, led by Mannaret. Thus began a long, bloody conflict that nearly destroyed Talazic, ending the lives of millions. Many of the Meydra did their best to stay out of it, doing good in what ways they could rather than engaging in combat.   Mannaret and his allies knew that if they could not kill Damakos, their best chance was to trap him. Madjei, the strongest mage among the Meydra, had not been seen or heard from in some time, and had never been known to actively fight for the good, and Imennis was still small and weak in her youth, so they turned to Iyanesh, a Simra who was particularly gifted in magic, and asked for her help in trapping a god. She was afraid and unsure but she agreed, and spent many moons working tirelessly on a series of runes that, when carved into a coffin made of a very rare magical mineral, would trap Damakos deep beneath the earth. Imennis watched her while she worked and not only learned much about magic from her but came to look up to her. However, when Iyanesh was nearly finished with the engravings, Damakos launched a surprise attack, and with Iyanesh’s help Mannaret’s forces were able to defeat Damakos. He escaped before they could force him into the coffin, but was not heard from again until the Death of the Meydra. Between his defeat and then, Iyanesh finished the coffin and helped the Meydra chase down the most prominent allies of Damakos and rebuild Talazic as best they could. She was, however, struck down by a horrendous illness of Lesta-Yen’s own making not long before the Death of the Meydra.

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