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King Aaravel Ashamë

Aaravel Ashamë was a high elf and king of the country of Gaulvista from the year EL 570, when his father, King Gelefris Ashamë, passed away, until his execution in 1000. His wife, whom he married in 781, was Cemrorelle of Filrendar, and their only child, born in 840, is Prince Xantheris. Aaravel's court wizard and his close friend was Kematar Meliamne and his most trusted advisor was the high elf Rerim Orrinthar.   Aaravel was king of Gaulvista for 429 years and saw many generations of his human subjects live and die, leading them through several wars and invasions as well as long periods of peace. There were many different opinions of Aaravel as a monarch, and in fact of the simple notion of having only high elves as monarchs in a now predominantly human country, but few hated him, and many loved him.   He was commonly described as aloof but caring. Historically, his handling of matters such as mundane conflicts between subjects or social concerns with little foundation in observable evidence was not particularly graceful or interested; at best he allowed Rerim to take over in such cases. However, in cases of genuine danger to the lives of his subjects, he acted without regard for his own safety or possessions, showing a strategic mind and a clean heart.   Aaravel was taken prisoner within his own palace during the nightbringer invasion of Gaulvista, and after the defeat of Mavislak the Blood-eyed and his forces during the Battle of Geldereth, he was brought before his citizens and executed by impalement, shortly before his wife Cemrorelle was beheaded.
Date of Birth
22 October 397
Date of Death
22 December 1000
397 EL 1000 EL 603 years old
Place of Death
Bright blue
Long, white, wavy

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