BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 26

General Summary

As you leave through the southern gate of Kureta City there is a sense of excitement and adventure in the air. Many citizens of the country's capital have gathered, waving as you pass, as they watch the mayor's caravan leave the city. You hear more than one person whisper the name 'The Unlikely Association' excitedly, as it seems your name has already began to spread. As the sun shines down upon the southern yew bridge, Weddy shouts from her carriage "onward to adventure!"   The pleasant weather persists as you travel, and you make it to Chimuk in good time. Whilst there, you manage to catch up with Safiyah - the village's pink haired resident druid - who fills you in on the goings on since you left. It sounds as though the small community has recovered well since the removal of the Church of Sol, and the local Knights branch has been bolstered with a wizard from the university, in case any such attempt to take the village happens again. You spend a pleasant evening at the Nature's Rest tavern, enjoying a few drinks and a hearty meal, before continuing south towards Okin. Symon, the young historian from the university, has perhaps one too many and after an early night, still looks a bit worse for ware in the morning.   The following day does not go so smoothly. Rain begins to pour from mid-morning and doesn't let up until late in the afternoon. Hespé and Ida, Weddy's hired guards, are particularly grumpy this day, offering only grunts and short retorts to any attempt to speak to them. Before setting up camp for the night, one of the wheels on the wagon buckles and disconnects - spilling food into the muck of the road. The hired guards repair the wheel - refusing any offer of help, and eventually the caravan is able to find a safe place to rest.   The following two days are less uncomfortable, though the two guards remain disgruntled. Roughly half a day out from Okin, a brazen pack of Dire Wolves attack the caravan - but are handily put down. Hespé is injured during the attack, and rides in the carriage for the final day.   By the end of your 6th day on the road, you reach the outskirts of town of Okin. The picturesque town sits nestled in the Okina Forest, with large deciduous tress surrounding it on all sides. Roughly two miles from the town, you spy a man sitting by the side of the road, the occasional puff of smoke rising above him.  
On the outskirts of town, the party meets a man with grey hair sitting under a tree, casually smoking a pipe. The stranger welcomes the group to Okin, but warns them of some strange goings on recently - namely wild animal attacks on the town itself. Okin and the Hunter's Guild have a good relationship with nature and the surrounding forest, and so these unprovoked attacks are highly unusual.   Bidding farewell to the man, the group find themselves under attack not far out of the town by a claw of vicious panthers. With no choice but to defend themselves, the creatures are slain one by one. Being close to nature herself, Leah recognises this behaviour as being highly unusual. Not only would a group of wild cats very rarely attack a caravan such as this, but to not even flee when injured is very peculiar.   Speaking to a tree nearby, Leah discovers that the animal attacks have been going on for a couple of days, and that the strange man they spoke to is actually the mayor of Okin, Archer Jost.   Continuing on, the group finally ride into Okin. Hespé and Ida stable the horses and cart, whilst Harris Kanes and Symon Argent head to the nearest tavern for a drink.   Weddy McDowel takes Leah and Atlas to the Hunter's Guild building, where they are introduced to Weddy's friend and Ranger of the Hunter's Guild; Reena Taman.   Reena adds a little more detail to the recent animal attacks; they have been a mix of animals (wolves, panthers, boars and even giant spiders) and have been occurring at random times throughout the day and sometimes at night. The hunters have not been able to investigate the forest to find a cause for this strange behaviour, as they are too occupied with defending the town. Mid-conversation, Reena is pounced upon by a wild-looking halfling. The small creature has incredibly long, tangled red hair, which extends below her feet as she clings on to Reena's side. Reena introduces the strange creature as Welie, a druid with the Hunter's Guild. Leah and Atlas ask if there is anything they can do to help Okin, and Reena goes off to ask Yarren Jost (the leader of the guild) whether they can have leave to investigate the forest, with Welie as a guide.   Meanwhile, Godric and Veda head to the market to see what wares are available. A large fire burns in the centre of the town, where bodies of many animals are being burnt. The people of Okin seem genuinely sad that this has to happen, but at least some of the beasts are being put to use as meat and pelts. Whilst in the market, Godric finds a stall selling carved statuettes, and purchases a handful of cat figurines. Veda finds a book seller, where she purchases a historical account of Leander, the town's hero, who's statue stands at the entrance to the town.   Eva heads to Nature's Rest, where she finds the owner to be of striking resemblance to Freida Whitetail of Chimuk, who runs the tavern of the same name. This halfling turns out to be Leena Whitetail, Freida's twin. Apparently Freida stole Leena's idea of opening a nature-friendly tavern, including the name.   Somewhat perturbed by the amount of animals in the tavern, Eva decides to distance herself by taking to the tiny stage and giving a performance. Her sweet singing voice quickly brings hush to the crowd, as all eyes - man and beast - turn to regard the performance. A disparate round of applause fills the tavern, as Eva notices one particular woman - an elf - paying very close attention. Eva sits down with the red-headed elf, and joins her in a drink. The elf congratulates Eva on a splendid performance, noting that it has been some time since she has enjoyed something like this. The elf goes by the name Torleth Vanorin - a druid with the Hunter's Guild, but originally a citizen of Erfu. The pair spend some time in conversation, and Eva discovers that Torleth knew Kaylessa Moonsnow before she left the City of Elves, but it's not clear what their relationship was, or if Torleth is a member of the Bhen Aillesel.   During the conversation, the pair are interrupted by "Harmony" (who is actually Atlas in disguise), who berates Eva for a while, before leaving and disappearing into the town.   Regrouped in Kale's Tavern once more, the party fill Weddy in on their plans to help the town, and the explorer gives them one day to investigate. She is worried that a rival exploration from Polemis might reach the ruins first, and doesn't want to lose the chance to be the first to plunder the ruin's depths.
Report Date
05 Jun 2020
Primary Location


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