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Hunter's Guild

The Hunter's Guild consists largely of rangers and those in tune with nature. They specialise in keeping the peace between civilisation and the natural world and are often hired to deal with issues arising from (mostly) Human interference with nature.


The Hunter's Guild is headed up by a ranger called Yarren Jost. The organisation consists mostly of other rangers, with a small number of druids who have decided to dedicate their lives to improving the relationship between civilisation and nature.   The guild lacks much in the way of a formal organisational structure, instead, those who are more senior in the guild are seen as voices of authority.   Whenever a leader has completed their time, guild members will vote for their successor.


The Hunter's Guild wish to maintain a balance between civilisation and nature. They believe that the two can co-exist without the need for compromise from either side. With this belief in mind, they strive to help the citizens of Kureta better understand the wonders of nature, and how they can responsibly use the bounty that nature provides.   In return, they believe that people can aid nature by using responsible cultivation techniques and even magic to bolster growth.

Public Agenda

The Hunter's Guild's goal is to preserve a good relationship between people and nature. For example, if a large amount of wood cutting was required for a town's expansion, the Hunter's Guild would be hired as consultants to ensure that the disruption to nature was kept to a minimum - this includes the instruction of how to handle wild animals and how best to maintain the ecosystem (e.g. planting new trees).   A Hunter may also be hired from time to time for their tracking skills. This would usually be in conjunction with the legal quests of the Order of the Shield to hunt down criminals.


The Hunter's Guild is relatively small, with roughly 30-40 rangers at any time, and a handful of druids. There are a number of regular folk who also help with administrative tasks, etc.


The Hunter's Guild was founded in 1550 KCB. Okin had always had a great connection to nature, following in the footsteps of their hero, Leander. Seeing that other settlements did not share the same respect for the land, the mayor of Okin at the time decided to found the guild, attaching it to their town's Order of the Shield base.   Hunters from Okin were sent across the country to guide and instruct their fellow towns on the best ways of using resources from the land, without damaging the ecosystem. At first, these hunters were often jilted, as settlements across Kureta didn't take kindly to being told what to do. It wasn't until a few years later when a small sect of druids joined the guild, that folk started to take notice and listen (mainly because the druids would help to expedite farming as a gesture of goodwill).
Founding Date
1550 KCB
Guild, Professional
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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