BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 36

General Summary

The Unlikely Association spend an uneasy night with the Shadow Witches in the Okina Forest, before saying their goodbyes to Verana Mavros and heading back to Okin.   Back in the nature-loving town, the group head to the Hunter's Guild to relay their findings to Yarren Jost - leaving out some key details that would raise more questions than they would answer. Yarren thanks the party once more, and after saying a quick goodbye to Torleth Vanorin, the party head north back to Kureta City.   The journey is mostly uneventful, except for a strange rain cloud which snows for five minutes, before passing by.   The party have a quick stop in Chimuk, where Leah catches up with Safiyah, the pink-haired druid, and Eva leaves a platinum piece for Gwendolyn Sorinson.   Back in Kureta City, the party collect their reward money from the mayor which leads them to the Platinum Vaults. The gnomes ask Eva once again if she has remembered the password to her account, but alas she has not. The adventurers collect their reward and head off to do some shopping. After selling all of the equipment they had gathered over the past month or so, some purchases are made at the University of Magic's shop, and with the dwarves at Hammer & Rune.   With Gennes Day soon upon them, the party have a couple of days of downtime - possibly to plan a bank heist.

Rewards Granted

Gold from the mayor
Report Date
28 Aug 2020
Primary Location


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