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University of Magic

The University of Magic is situated in the heart of Kureta City. It is where all prospective mages must attend in order to attain the skills and qualifications required to become a licensed Magic user. Wizards are rare in Kureta, so a graduate of the University is usually viewed in the highest regard. Many try their hand at Magic (as it is fairly common for some to be born, or attain some minor magical ability) but few succeed as the amount of work and skill required is extremely high. Although the school is referred to as a university, it is unique in that it accepts students from age 10. Magically gifted children will learn the basics of reading and writing as well as other non-magical studies, alongside their arcane training. By the age of 20, students should be adept enough to either find a job using their magical skills, or continue their education either at the University of Magic (learning more advanced spells) or at another institution of higher learning, where they could learn to combine their Magic with something like architecture or agriculture.  
  There are 7 High Professors at the University, each at the head of their respective schools (there is no school of necromancy, though the art does exist):   In order to become a High Professor, one must be able to cast at least a spell of 9th level in their respective field.   The University admits roughly 10 new students a year. Around a third of these students will be those who have been born with innate magical abilities (Sorcerers). These students are automatically admitted to the university, to ensure they learn control over their Magic and are not a danger to themselves and others. The other two thirds will be those who have the potential to become wizards, and can pay the entry fees and/or do well in the entrance exam. The fee each student must pay to attend the university is based on how well one does in their entrance exam - the better you do, the less you are required to pay.   The University has a campus large enough to house all of its teachers and students, roughly 40 people at any given time. The campus consists of many classrooms, a food hall, laboratories, summoning rooms and a library amongst other things. The University's library contains many books and tomes, as well as spell scrolls which can be bought by approved wizards.  
  The University is also where many magical items are created, mostly trinkets of minor effect. These are sold to merchants who typically mark-up the price and sell them on.   Many students will leave the University after learning 1st or 2nd level Magic - the strain required to master their skills is too much for some. Those who stay on to learn higher levels of Magic (3rd and above) become known as 'Magi', true mages in the eyes of their peers.  

Magic Shop

The university is the only true 'magic shop' in Kureta. Magical items may be found in other establishments, but only if somebody else has sold the item to them previously. Many students of the university will create minor Magic Items for the school to sell, as a means of paying for their tuition.

Purpose / Function

To study magic, teach those with magical talent how to use their powers, and ultimately - make a living from magic.   The High Professors of the university are constantly trying to improve their knowledge of spells, and over the last 4 centuries have gradually discovered higher and higher levels of magic.


The University of Magic is constructed primarily of Kurete, a magical substance that can be moulded with Magic to create grand structures - without the need of traditional supports or other bonding agents. The building is further decorated with non-magical materials, such as stone, timber, and even precious metals in some areas.


The University of Magic was founded in Kureta City on 28th Sectin 1312. The building was commissioned by the queen to be a place of learning and research. Humans knew very little of Magic at the time, and most folk feared what they didn't understand. The ruling monarch wanted to change this, realising the plethora of benefits working with Magic could bring.   Being on a floating island, Kureta City didn't suffer many of the troubles that other towns and villages did. With the recent founding of Takari Peak as an independent city, pressure was beginning to grow to protect the citizens of Kureta from dangers such as banditry, and the unusual forces of nature. The queen was aware of the magical prowess of the elves and sought to enhance the capabilities of her people in the same way.   In its early days, the university served mostly as a place for research. The building was equipped with laboratories for experiments, where scholars could begin to unravel the mysteries of arcane Magic. Magic was already prevalent in the world but found mostly in nature. Harnessing the power of Magic without the blessing of a goddess or communing with nature was unheard of at this point in history. Casting even basic cantrips was difficult, but they made decent progress in the creation of potions and minor Magic Items.   Throughout the centuries, Kuretians slowly improved their handle on Magic. The first spell of the 1st circle was perfected in 1361, a spell that granted its caster arcane protection from physical attacks. This breakthrough threw the doors open for arcane spellcasters, and new discoveries were made almost every week.   By the early 1400s, scholars of the university had discovered that Magic could be divided into 8 "schools". Many wizards were showing preferences towards one school or another, and it was decided that a High Professor of each school should be appointed - based on who had made the greatest strides in each area. These 8 High Professors would form a council of sorts, who would govern the university.   By this point, students had begun to take lessons in spellcraft. With much still to discover, and the difficulty level of becoming a wizard still very high, most students failed to achieve much of anything. Those who did show promise would continue to bolster the university's progress.   In 1489, it was decided to ban any further study of necromancy. Until this point, necromancy had been a useful tool for weakening one's opponent in battle, but with the breakthrough into the 3rd circle of Magic, the existing High Professor of necromancy discovered the means of re-animating a corpse. In a history that the university would rather forget, the High Professor animated the corpse of one of his own students. It was unclear how the student had died in the first place, but the High Professor claimed that the student had been a willing participant. This discovery was not looked upon favourably by the other professors, or the general public. The High Professor of necromancy was ousted from the university, but no evidence could be found that he had actually killed the student, and so no crime could be pinned on him. From then on, the study of necromancy was banned, and a law instituted by the Order of the Shield, to prevent any such thing from happening again.   The original university was constructed of timber and stone and wasn't rebuilt with Kurete until 1525. By this point, Kuretians had a good enough grasp on the arcane that some of their most accomplished transmuters could shape Kurete to their will. The Royal Palace had long been crafted with the substance and held a large reserve of the material in its cellars. With the existing queen's blessing, the university was allowed to reform the university in Kurete - increasing its size and capabilities greatly.   The university continued to push the boundaries on arcane Magic through the centuries, eventually breaking into the 6th circle of Magic with Maida, The Enchanter's discovery of the Mass Suggestion spell in 1753. This quickly followed with breakthroughs in the other schools, resulting in a few changes to the ranking of High Professor.   In recent times, Ilea, The Illusionist has made a staggering discovery, crafting a spell of the 8th circle. This discovery is sure to have a staggering effect on the university, and has already helped Abenthe, The Conjurer craft his first spell of the 7th circle - which he used to send The Unlikely Association to the Ethereal Plane.


The University is a popular place for out-of-towners to visit, as the birthplace of modern magic and a beautiful Kurete structure. Common folk are not permitted to enter without a prior appointment however, and they university only offers "tours" to prospective students, and interested benefactors.
Founding Date
1312 KCB
Alternative Names
The University
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

  • 1312 KCB

    28 Sectin

    University of Magic Founded

    Kureta City
    More reading
    University of Magic
    Additional timelines
  • 1361 KCB

    Discovery of 1st Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first spell of the 1st circle was perfected in 1361, a spell that granted its caster arcane protection from physical attacks. This breakthrough threw the doors open for arcane spellcasters, and new discoveries were made almost every week.

  • 1396 KCB

    Discovery of 2nd Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    A promising student of illusion discovers the first spell of the 2nd circle, turning herself invisible... permanently. This incredible feat eventually earns her the place as the first High Professor of Illusion - and the nickname "Missing".

  • 1400 KCB

    Appointment of High Professors

    By the early 1400s, scholars of the university had discovered that Magic could be divided into 8 "schools". Many wizards were showing preferences towards one school or another, and it was decided that a High Professor of each school should be appointed - based on who had made the greatest strides in each area. These 8 High Professors would form a council of sorts, who would govern the university.

  • 1489 KCB

    Discovery of 3rd Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The university makes a rather explosive discovery, as the High Professor of Evocation uncovers the mystery of 3rd circle magic... and almost kills himself in the process.

  • 1489 KCB


    Necromancy Outlawed
    Criminal Activity

    Until this point, necromancy had been a useful tool for weakening one's opponent in battle, but with the breakthrough into the 3rd circle of Magic, the existing High Professor of necromancy discovered the means of re-animating a corpse. In a history that the university would rather forget, the High Professor animated the corpse of one of his own students. It was unclear how the student had died in the first place, but the High Professor claimed that the student had been a willing participant. This discovery was not looked upon favourably by the other professors, or the general public. The High Professor of necromancy was ousted from the university, but no evidence could be found that he had actually killed the student, and so no crime could be pinned on him. From then on, the study of necromancy was banned, and a law instituted by the Order of the Shield, to prevent any such thing from happening again.

  • 1520 KCB

    Discovery of 4th Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The High Professor of Transmutation crafts the first spell of the 4th circle, Polymorphing a cat into a mouse, then back into a cat. The cat used in the demonstration was the top mouser of the grounds at the time, and took great offence to the spectacle.

  • 1525 KCB

    University of Magic Rebuilt
    Technological achievement

    The original university was constructed of timber and stone and wasn't rebuilt with Kurete until 1525. By this point, Kuretians had a good enough grasp on the arcane that some of their most accomplished transmuters could shape Kurete to their will. The Royal Palace had long been crafted with the substance and held a large reserve of the material in its cellars. With the existing queen's blessing, the university was allowed to reform the university in Kurete - increasing its size and capabilities greatly.

  • 1660 KCB

    Discovery of 5th Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Divination takes its turn to lead the charge, as the existing High Professor uses a crystal ball to Scry for the first time. The target of the spell, unaware of what was going on at the time, was dismayed to find that half the university had witnessed him having what was officially recorded as "a fit of flatulence".

  • 1753 KCB

    Discovery of 6th Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Maida, The Enchanter discovers the Mass Suggestion spell, granting her the position of High Professor of Enchantment. This discovery is quickly followed with breakthroughs in the other schools, resulting in a few changes to the rankings of High Professors.

  • 1768 KCB


    Discovery of 8th Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    After conducting research in the Shadowfell, Ilea, The Illusionist makes a staggering discovery, crafting an illusion spell of the 8th circle.

  • 1768 KCB


    Discovery of 7th Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Abenthe, The Conjurer creates the first spell of the 7th circle, sending The Unlikely Association into the Ethereal Plane with his Plane Shift spell. This achievement is somewhat overshadowed by Ilea, The Illusionist's recent breakthrough into the 8th circle, however.

  • 1769 KCB

    Return of Magera & Kain
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Magic users across the country detect the return of The Goddess of Magic, Magera. As magic users begin worshipping the returned deity, great strives are made in spellcasting across the range of magic users.   With Kain's return, wizards find themselves making great strides in their spellcrafting, and many take on the old mantle of Priests of Kain.

  • 1770 KCB


    Discovery of 9th Circle Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Odion, The Transmuter is the first wizard to break into the 9th circle of magic. The great wizard manages to stop time, demonstrating his new power in the only way one should - by playing pranks on his fellow wizards.

  • 1800 KCB

    Magic For Everyone

    With the return of Magera, and the host of planar-travellers that begin arriving in Ekina, Magic begins to become much more commonplace than it ever was before.   Magic items can be purchased in a variety of stores, and the number of folk able to utilise magic in some capacity becomes alarmingly larger.


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