BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 37

General Summary

The Unlikely Association wake in their respective quarters and begin to prepare for the days ahead. Godric speaks to Ariadne Knightsbridge, filling her in on all that has transpired since they last spoke. The commander struggles to understand Godric's recounting of 'The Truth', and ends up getting a headache as Godric repeatedly tries to explain it. The tiefling eventually remembers that other people cannot comprehend the truth, and so explains that instead.   Ariadne seems particularly interested in the attack by the Nakabans. She spoke to Valkia Orbeck not long after the party had filled her in on the shapechangers, and the pair seem to think that something may have happened to Commander Devianne whilst she was there on a diplomatic mission. The Knight-Commander seems to have changed somewhat in her personality, and Ariadne fears Nakaba may have something to do with it. Ariadne is due to speak with the queen about Nakaba after Gennes Day, and so will update Godric once she has done so.   Godric expresses his concerns for the adventuring group he now travels with. He fears that they may act on "the fire guy's" plan, and move against The Goddess. Ariadne suggests that the templar keep an eye on them for now, but not to act until there is clear intent of some wrong-doing. She reminds the tiefling that the Order of the Shield are not a holy organisation, and do not enforce religious beliefs - their duty is to uphold the law and order of the land.   Veda returns to her family home for the first time since they were attacked. Looking for any clues of Nakaba's presence, she finds nothing but a single piece of paper, carefully folded and left under a vase. The note reads "We're safe. Ely".   Eva and Marty watch the Platinum Vaults for the better part of 2 days, spying from a window in the Water Dragon Tavern. There's no sign of a gnome carrying the magical chain from Flarus' vision, but the pair do get an idea of the number of gnomes working there, and when they come and go. The duo also make note of the guards on patrol, so they can speak to them later.   During the two days leading to Gennes Day, Marty asks Mortona for guidance in acquiring the chain. Her divination spell is answered by a winged humanoid, who calls himself one of Mortona's seraphs. The seraph reveals that the owner of the chain cherishes it, but does not know its true value. The group's best chance of acquiring the item will be on Gennes Day.   Eva attempts to use the Mirror of the Past to garner more information on the chain and its owner - but unfortunately is only shown it being used to hold many keys, and again being worn around the neck of a burly looking human.   On the eve of Gennes Day, the group head to The Ample Axe tavern, where many of the Knights of the Order go to unwind. The pub is filled with Knights and dwarves, being a popular spot for the stout folk too. Eva and Marty disguise themselves as 'Steph' and 'Tash', and under the ruse of young, attractive newcomers to the town, they approach one of the guards they saw outside the bank and try to get some information out of him. The guard, Yorrick, tells them that the gnomes are partial to illusion magic, and that the Knights are more for show than anything else, as the bank's defences are great. Yorrick looks forward to escorting the two ladies around the town on Gennes Day...   Meanwhile, Veda and Leah grab some drinks at the bar, and the eladrin proceeds to quickly get drunk - dancing on the bar and buying everyone a round.   As the evening draws to a close, the party head to their homes once more, discussing how they can open some sort of fast-serving food establishment that caters to drunk people.   As Eva and Marty reach the famous singer's house, they find the front door slightly ajar...

Rewards Granted

Godric - money to apply rune to crossbow.
Report Date
11 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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