BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 6

General Summary

  • Arrived in Kureta City
  • Barnabus leads the party to the palace, and introduces them to his sister, Eleanora Orbeck
  • Eleanor is with her fiancé Donovan Goodsilk, and doesn't seem best pleased to receive her brother and adventuring friends in her chambers
  • After a quick reunion, Eleanor excuses herself and the party are provided with rooms for the evening
  • Meepo makes some unnusual though innocent requests to Patrice, one of the palace staff
  • The party heads to Emeric & Althea's and the University of Magic to browse the Magic Items on offer
  • Blair heads to the Eternal Keepers in search of some kind of connection. They meet the head of the order, Tahlia Stillbank, who gives Blair a lantern and some general advice - but not much else
  • The party then head to Masters of the Weave to arrange some formal attire for the wedding. After a rude encounter with one of the owners, their needs are eventually taken care of
  • On the way back to the palace for the evening, Barnabus spots a young girl smiling at him oddly. She runs off, and believing the girl could be his neice, Barnabus gives chase
  • Eventually catching the elusive child, a closer look reveals that this is not Ophelie Orbeck, but the spitting image of Barnubus' grandmother as a child, Olwyn Orbeck
  • The girl extends a hand to Barnabus, asking for a private conversation. Trusting the girl, Barnabus takes her hand and is whisked away to an entirely different place - the Astral Plane
  • The girl sits upon a throne, and reveals herself to be Tenasma, the goddess of Trickery and Twilight
  • Tenasma asks Barnabus what he seeks to gain from being her cleric, of which she has few
  • The goddess eludes that she may be able to help with Barnabus' goals, and in exchange asks for his help in improving her image
  • Tenasma's parting words suggest that Barnabus will be contacted soon by the head of her church. She also hints that Barnabus' powers may be hightened somehow during the morning and evening twilight hours
  • Booped back to Ekina, Barnabus brings the group back to the palace for a meal, of which no other invited royals attend
  • The following morning, the party head into the Phoenix Forest, where they are confronted by druids of Nature's Stewards
  • Their leader, Dahlia Redmane, asks why these adventurers are in the forest. She is somewhat on edge due to the recent appearance of abberations in the forest, some kind of tri-legged, all-consuming beasts
  • Dahlia believes that these creatures could not have appeared in the forest of their own accord, and that someone must have summoned them here. She warns the group to keep their wits about them before stalking off into the forest
  • On the way to the Temple of Mortona, the party are ambushed by the afforementioned creatures, which seem to be quite dangerous
  • The creatures are defeated, and confirmed to be abberations
  • The adventurers eventually find the above-ground entrance to the temple, where Cissara awaits
  • Report Date
    21 Apr 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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