BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 84

General Summary

  • The Unlikely Association continue their battle against the trolls and gorgons. The remaining troll is eventually set on fire and destroyed, and the remaining gorgon is yeeted off the cliff, like many before it
  • Marty casts Greater Restoration on Veda, returning her to flesh once more
  • Veda is then able to recall a potion that can revive a petrified creature, which requires troll's blood as a key ingredient. The group are able to acquire the necessary ingredients, and after confirming the potion with Leah, eventually save Niam Diggol and Alfonse
  • Spotting a cave further up the path, the group sneak along to find a Dwarf called Alfred Jonson, and the Hippogriff
  • The Dwarf reveals himself to be a deserter from Colere, who had decided to live the remainder of his days in the mountains, away from the inner conflicts of his home country. The Hippogriff apparently happened upon him, and the pair formed a bond over the previous few days
  • The Hippogriff had been bringing the man food of its own accord, and was not told to pester the people of Bounty Mine
  • By offering Alfred a new identity, and life far away from Colere, the party are able to persuade the Dwarf to give up The Unbreakable Chain. The Hippogriff returns to its astral form inside the Magic item, which is handed over to Veda. It is unclear how the beast feels about this transaction
  • With everything seemingly wrapped up, Eva returns the group to Kureta City via Teleportation Circle, startling Abenthe, The Conjurer in the process
  • The group pop by the Magic shop, purchasing a few items - including a headband that could potentially make Godric a genius... should he want that
  • As the day draws to a close, the adventurers relax at The Water Dragon Tavern, enjoying a meal and some drinks. Whilst there, Marty feels the presence of her seraph friend, who instructs her to buy some specific ingredients in the morning
  • The following day, Marty heads out to buy these items, and is granted a spell to cast - True Seeing.
  • Once cast, Marty see's the world in a new blue-tinged light. The city is full of extra-planar beings, following people around, seemingly interacting with them in ways that are unknown to the general populous. After giving Marty a quick tour of this new city, the seraph (who introduces himself as Tariel, The Reckoner of Souls) takes Marty to one specific home.
  • Tariel casts a spell on Marty, allowing her to pass into the Ethereal Plane, before leading her into the home. Inside, they find a man rather sick in bed. Tariel explains that his soul is due to depart but is unwilling to leave. If this man's business on Ekina is not concluded, then he leave behind a ghost.
  • Usually in these situations, Tariel would just have to let it be - but as Marty had promised him a favour, he hopes that the cleric can help him to resolve this issue
  • The Unlikely Association decide to use the next few months to take care of some personal issues, before regrouping soon after Eva's birth...

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Report Date
06 May 2022
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