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Jagged Blades

The Jagged Blades are a thieves’ guild who operate in the shadows. They run the black market, specialise in large thieving operations, the occasional assassination, and espionage. Although there are other thieves' guilds across the country (with the notable exception of Kureta City), The Jagged Blades are known to span across Kureta, and are rumoured to secretly be in control of all such guilds in the country. Although the location of their headquarters has remained a secret, it is commonly believed they are based in Takari Peak.

Public Agenda

The Jagged Blades main motivation is money. They "allegedly" run the black market across the country and are known to have been involved in a number of crimes, mainly focussing on burglary, murder, kidnapping and extortion.   The thieves very much live a "means to an end" lifestyle and will do most anything if it results in a large enough payoff.


Though it has never been confirmed, it is commonly believed that The Jagged Blades operate out of Takari Peak. The large presence of the Order of the Shield here marks the city as an unlikely candidate for the thieves’ operation, but nevertheless, that is the working theory.   Before Takari Peak became an independent city in 1282, it was known to have trouble with crime. As a growing town and one of the country's only 3 coastal ports, the increase in taverns and traffic attracted many sailors - both reputable and not so much. Despite the increasing numbers of Knights in the town, crime never ceased to be an issue. The Order of the Shield always did their best to keep citizens safe and criminals off the street, but it was an uphill battle.   Evidence of a thieves’ guild came about in 1311, when large-scale operations were witnessed in the new city. This was the first time in Kuretian history that organised crime had been evident, though over the following centuries, similar guilds seemed to pop up in other towns.   It wasn't until the early 1600s that the name "Jagged Blades" became commonly known. Throughout the following decades, evidence has often suggested that "Jagged Blades" is the name given to a network of thieves' guilds - spreading across Kureta. Smaller guilds have been discovered and disbanded in some towns, but it never seems to be enough to put an end to the organised crime network.
Founding Date
1311 KCB
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Thieves' Guild


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