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Leah - The Shadow Witches

The Shadow Witches⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ - to most a tale to scare children into being good, are apparently active in the Deddo Forest⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣. Leah has been sent by her clan to investigate the rumours.  

Drake's Rumours

  Whilst working on a case some years ago, Drake Chosa had to travel to the City of Pain⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣. (A man wanted for illegal necromancy was hiding there). During her journey back to the capital, she spotted something glowing just a ways off the track. Following her natural curiosity, Drake followed the light but it soon disappeared. Looking around, she spotted another light, and this trend continued until she found herself quite lost. Trying to find her way back, she began to hear voices speaking up ahead. Sneaking forward, she encountered a trio of women wearing dark clothing. Drake hid behind a tree as they passed, the women seemed quite at home in the forest. As the women passed Drake, she heard them mention something about 'The Creeping Night' and how their plans were moving along nicely. One of the women was holding a black cat, which they seemed to include in their conversation.   Drake is certain these women were Shadow Witches. She would have loved to have followed them and tried to learn more, but she's heard the stories, and knew that it wouldn't be a good idea if her suspicions were correct. She's wanted to investigate further, but can't justify spending the time on something that she's not being paid for, and that could be a wild goose chase.  

Deddo Forest

  As they trudge through the trees, the party come across a crumbling well. With nobody in site, they approach cautiously in case anything nasty is hiding nearby. Leah manages to identify the well as a Witching Well, something that Black Witches use for divination. Godric spots 3 sets of tracks surrounding the well, which seem to converge and disappear at the base of a tree, but after multiple failed attempts to activate the well, the party decide to move on towards the sound of something... popping.  

Temple of Mortona

  A captured witch reveals that the Shadow Witches are heading south with the Seed of Mortona. She assumes that the plan is to plant it somewhere else to spread corruption, but doesn't know where the final destination is. The witch does also confirm that 'The Wicked One' is their leader.  

Shadow Crossings

  It seems that Fey Crossroads within the Deddo Forest have been turned into Shadow Crossings. With the help of Vasilii, the party have been able to restore them to what they once were. Why and how they were warped in this way is yet to be discovered.


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