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Smugglers of Hiku City

A smuggling ring currently operates in Hiku City. They take in orphans and other vagrants, who are used as mules for their business.   Marty of The Unlikely Association was taken in by the smugglers at a young age, but has since left the organisation.


The smugglers' leader is a man known as Korsan Sayer, a ruthless Half-Elf who cares only for the coin he can earn. Beneath him are several handlers, who take care of various aspects of the illegal organisation.   One such handler is a woman called Fitin Salter, also known as "Ma'am". Fitin is the handler in charge of the younger members who come into the organisation. Fitin acts very much as a motherly figure, gently grooming new recruits (who are often orphans) into the life of crime.


The higher-ups in this smuggling ring are happy to handle almost anything, including weapons, artefacts, poisons, drugs and even people. They teach their members to care only for coin and are not above hurting others to get what they want. For the right price, they will fulfil almost any request.   The smugglers keep many of their workforce practically enslaved to them, using a drug called 'Pearl'. Young members of the group are introduced to the substance, and then given it as payment for their work. Without any other way of obtaining the stuff, those who become addicted find it very difficult to leave.

Public Agenda

Most of the smugglers’ efforts are spent on transporting items into Hiku City from Nakaba, Takari Peak, and beyond. The smugglers' main customers are the merchants of Hiku, who often struggle with high taxes on their goods. It is impossible to get anything changed following standard legal proceedings, due to the very lax government, so many merchants look to the smugglers to bring in products tax-free, that they can sell on.   The smugglers have been known to smuggle products out of Hiku City from time to time, too. It has been rumoured that the smugglers even have a way of sneaking contraband into Yukori Prison, though this seems unlikely given the defences of that icy place.


The smugglers have operated in Hiku City for some time, but naturally nobody knows exactly when the organisation began. It is estimated that the smugglers began operating at some point in the 1720's KCB.
Guild, Thieves


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