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Yukori Prison

Yukori Prison is where the most dangerous and notorious criminals of Kureta are sent, most often for the rest of their days.   The prison sits on a small island north of Takari Peak (the only place to arrange transport to the island). The island is frozen all year round by magical means and is often found in the grips of a blizzard.


The prison is guarded by Knights of the Shield with a contingent of Templars to bolster the ranks. Escape from the prison is believed to be impossible, attempts have been made (both from the inside and with external help) but all have failed.   Imprisoned magic users are kept in magic-blocking cells to prevent any spellcasting. Though without access to components or a magical focus, most mages are powerless anyway.


In 1768 KCB, rumours began to spread that a sorcerer was able to escape from the prison. The Order of the Shield have not confirmed this, but the word has gotten out that the prison isn't as inescapable at it was once believed. Details of the escape are unclear, but it occurred shortly after Commander Ewan Janson took command of Takari Peak.
By The Goddess was it cold! What magic keeps the island frozen so, is simply beyond my comprehension. The prisoners who reside here will certainly not wish to ever return, and my deepest sympathies go out to the brave Knights who guard the place.

Flynvias Stillbrush
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