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The Watcher's Legacy

The Watcher's Legacy (often referred to simply as "The Watchers") are an order of paladins and spellcasters who protect Ekina from extra-planar threats.   Their members are notably all female, predominantly Human, with white hair and golden eyes. These unique colourations are inherited as part of the process of becoming a Watcher.



Guardians are warriors who use their martial skills to protect Ekina from extra-planar threats. Their unusual appearance makes them easy to spot, and one can expect to find at least 2 in any town-sized settlement or larger.  


Seers use divine Magic to observe the cosmos and look for signs of extra planar threats.  


Banishers use Magic to deal with threats originating from other planes of existance. They are able to banish such creatures to their home planes, which is often the most efficient and harmless way of dealing with such threats.  


Binders use Magic to contain and neutralise threats originating from other worlds on the Material Plane. These creatures, often people, cannot be banished to their home world, and so must be dealt with more conventional Magic.


The Watchers are ever-vigilant, always under the belief that danger is on the horizon. The multiverse is vast, and the potential threats to Ekina are many.   For this reason, many see The Watchers as being quite single-minded - as they often put their duty above all else.


The Watcher's main base of operations is known as Watchers' Keep, which is located in the hills south-east of Chimuk. The keep houses the majority of the organisations members, which totals around 200 people (including more mundane staff required to run the operation).


The Watchers' Legacy was founded in 1770 by a Knight of The Order of the Shield called Harmony, at the behest of The Goddess. After the rebirth of the gods, The Goddess deemed it necessary to set up defences against the threats of the multiverse, and so instituted this organisation.

Seers of the Unseen, Knowers of the Unknown, Protectors for Everyone

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Watchers
Training Level
Related Species


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