Mrtóghmn̥ Krehiōn Myth in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Mrtóghmn̥ Krehiōn (Mur-toe-ch-mun Cray-hee-on)

The first mortals (From those that were there)

In the beginning, there was only The Void, a vast expanse of nothingness. From this void emerged the primordial deities, each embodying fundamental aspects of existence. Among them were El-Yahweh, Belenos, Danu, Ernmas, Viridios, Tianlong, Naunet, Nun, Gaia, Uranus, Mama Cocha, Viracocha, Aditi, Kashyapa, Hunab-Ku, Ymir, Tonacacihuati, Tonacatecuhti, Ahura Mazda, Anahita, Anu, Ki, and Taiji. These first gods, and others, formed the ancient pantheon, each contributing to the shaping of the cosmos.   El, among these deities, was a creator god. He looked upon the chaotic expanse and decided to bring order. “Let there be light,” He commanded, and light burst forth, separating day from night. Over six days, El crafted the heavens and the earth, the seas and the land, and filled them with all manner of creatures, each according to its kind. Other gods populated these realms with their own creations, such as the Sidhe from Danu and the various nature spirits from Gaia.

The First Humans

On the sixth day, El said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” From the dust of the earth, He fashioned Adam (Adapa), the first man, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Adam became a living soul, the crowning glory of creation, tasked with tending the Garden of Eden and naming all the animals.  

The First Woman: Lilith

Before Eve (Chavah), there was Lilith, the first woman created by El from the same dust as Adam. Lilith was equal to Adam in every way, sharing his strength, intelligence, and spirit. However, conflict arose between them. Lilith, asserting her equality, refused to submit to Adam’s authority. “We are both made from the same earth,” she declared. “We are equals.”   Unable to reconcile their differences, Lilith uttered the Almighty's ineffable name and fled Eden to the shores of the Red Sea. There, she encountered angels who urged her to return, but Lilith chose her freedom over submission. She became a symbol of independence and defiance.
Mrtóghmn̥ Krehiōn - Lilith
Some other names Lilith is known by include: Lilitu, Lamashtu, Ardat Lili, Lamia, Naamah, Ninsianna, Kiyohime, Kamapua’a,  

The Creation of Eve

Seeing Adam’s loneliness, El caused a deep sleep to fall upon him. Taking a sample of Adam's being, he fashioned Eve, a woman designed to be a partner and helpmate. When Adam awoke and saw Eve, he rejoiced.   Adam and Eve lived blissfully in the Garden of Eden, enjoying its bounty and walking with the Almighty. They were given but one command: not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  

The Fall

Human curiosity and the effect of free will played a crucial role in the events that followed. Eve, intrigued by the forbidden tree, pondered its fruit. She wondered what knowledge it held, what truths about the world were hidden from them. Finally, unable to resist the lure of understanding, she plucked a fruit and tasted it. She offered it to Adam, who also ate, driven by his own curiosity and desire for knowledge.   Unknown to them, however, this was all part of El's plan. He knew the effect that the human condition would have on his command, however free-will can be tricky. But this played into his longer plan of populating The Mortal Realm in full, bringing to it the richness of his bretheren and their own creations.   Their eyes were opened, and they realized their nakedness, sewing fig leaves together for coverings. When El called to them, they hid in shame. El, knowing their actions, sent them out of Eden to toil and suffer, yet with the promise of redemption and growth.

The Family of Adam, Eve, and Lilith

Outside Eden, Adam, Eve, and Lilith began new lives, each bearing thousands of children, often in pairs of twins. These children became the progenitors of various ancient civilizations and religions.

The Evolution of El and Yahweh

As the descendants of Adam, Eve, and Lilith spread across the earth, their understanding of the divine evolved. El, the original name of the Almighty, became known by many names. One of the most significant was Yahweh, representing a deeper, more personal relationship with the divine.   Yahweh became a central figure for the descendants of Seth, emphasizing a covenant relationship and guiding them through laws and commandments. This evolution of the divine entity reflected the growing complexity of human society and spirituality.   The story of creation and the first humans is a tapestry of divine acts, human choices, and the interplay of freedom and responsibility. From the harmonious beginnings in Eden to the trials outside its gates, Adam, Eve, Lilith, and their descendants set the stage for the unfolding drama of humanity. Each account, from the sacred texts to the apocryphal tales, contributes a thread to the rich narrative of Genesis, offering insights into the human condition and the divine purpose.   As their descendants spread and evolved, so too did their understanding of the divine, leading to the formation of diverse religions and cultures. All part of the larger plan.
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The Children of Adam and Eve

His lineage eventually led to the Hebrews and the development of the early Jewish faith, which later evolved into monotheism with the worship of Yahweh. Abel is also known as Habel, Havilah, Dumuzi, Enkidu, Abelios, Xbalanque, Maui, and more.
His descendants founded the Hittite civilization, worshipping deities such as Tarhunt and Arinna.
Her lineage led to the Achaemenids, known for their maritime prowess and deities like Melqart and Astarte.
Became the progenitor of the Greeks, whose gods included Zeus, Hera, and Athena.
Became the ancestor of the Canaanites, known for their rich culture and pantheon of gods, including Ba'al and Asherah. Also known as Qayin, Kain, Ka‘in, Hibil Ziwa, Ga’ayah, Hun Hunahpu, Tawhaki, and more.
His descendants became the Egyptians, with gods like Ra and Osiris shaping their religion.
His lineage led to the Sumerians, the creators of one of the earliest known civilizations, with gods like Anu and Enlil.
Became the progenitor of the Chinese civilization, with gods like Shangdi and later, the Taoist and Buddhist pantheons.
His descendants became the Norse people, whose pantheon included, Thor, and Freyja.
Became the ancestor of the Carthaginians, who worshipped gods like Ba'al Hammon and Tanit.
Her lineage led to the Celts, with deities such as Dagda and Brigid.
Seth (Shet):
Became the ancestor of the Atlanteans, a highly advanced civilization that flourished and eventually became mythologized.
His lineage led to the Olmecs, an early Mesoamerican civilization with a rich spiritual tradition.
Became the ancestor of the Inca, with gods like Inti and Viracocha.
Her descendants founded the Indus Valley civilization, worshipping deities that would later be associated with Hinduism.  

The Children of Lilith

His descendants founded the Kerma civilization, worshipping Nubian gods and merging with Egyptian deities.
Became the ancestor of the Muisca, with gods like Chiminigagua and Bochica.
His lineage led to the Kamilaroi people of Australia, with their rich Dreamtime mythology.
Became the progenitor of the Inuit, whose spirituality included a deep connection to nature and spirits.
Her descendants founded the Aztec civilization, worshipping deities such as Huitzilopochtli and Quetzalcoatl.
Became the ancestor of the Maya, known for their complex calendar and gods like Kukulkan and Itzamna.
Qen-Tsi and Mah-Ula:
Their lineage led to the Atsilv Aniyvwiya, with a spiritual tradition deeply tied to the earth and natural forces.
Became the progenitor of the Yoruba, with a rich pantheon including gods like Ogun and Shango.
His lineage led to the Yamnaya, early Indo-European peoples who worshipped sky gods and ancestor spirits.

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