Aquatic Elf

Deep under the raging waves of the sea live the aquatic elves, building powerful kingdoms that dominate the sea floor. Although not nearly as frequently encountered as other elven subraces, aquatic elves number just as plentifully as landbound elves. They patrol the depths of the oceans and large inland waters, holding court beneath the waves. They often spend time with other aquatic peoples or even intelligent aquatic animals such as dolphins and octopi.   Like the fish of the seas, aquatic elves have gill slits that allow them to breathe underwater, though they also possess true lungs allowing them to breathe above the waves for a time, albeit a relatively short one. The skin of the aquatic elves tends to resemble seaweed or kelp, being a deep silver-green color, though this is only true of the Oceanic aquatic elves which are by far the most common of their species. Unbeknownst to many, there lives a second type of aquatic elves, known as coral elves that have vibrant colorful skin, allowing them to blend in among the coral reefs of the world. Some oceanic elves also possess a bluish tint to their skin, particularly those that live closer to the surface. Oceanic elves’ hair complements their skin, typically being green or blue-green in color and appearing almost in the texture of seagrass. Coral elves don’t grow true hair, but instead form small growths from their skin, particularly on their head, that resembles different types of coral. These colors and formations of hair or growths make aquatic elves, regardless of type, difficult to discern underwater in their natural homes.   Many believe aquatic elves spend their days in frivolous activity, this is only partially true. In fact, aquatic elves play an extremely important role in the ecology of their underwater home. Aquatic elves, though oceanic elves in particular, serve as something akin to an underwater police force and highly mobile army. They serve to fight against the terrors of the depths, from aberrant horrors like aboleths to the demonic ixitxachitl, or even the naturally occurring sahuagin. The elves also enforce order throughout the sea. Coral elves care little for this enforced order, preferring simple lives of whimsy and freedom. They avoid fighting when possible and prefer to keep to themselves. This is not to say that they cannot fight, however, and those that believe they cannot will be met with fury if they destroy the coral of the elves’ home.   The sahuagin of the depths are to the oceanic elves as the orcs are to land-dwelling elves. They tend not to be a serious threat, but they are an extreme nuisance and a menace to lone oceanic elves. As a result, oceanic elves tend to exterminate sahuagin on sight, as well as sharks—who share a great sense of companionship with the sahuagin. Over numerous centuries, sharks have developed a taste for the flesh of aquatic elves, and so the elves often organize hunts against these menaces and their sahuagin masters.   While the enforced order from the oceanic elves is disliked by some other ocean-dwelling species, it is generally followed because all intelligent creatures of the ocean fear the strange and terrible monsters that dwell in the sea, and those under the rule of the aquatic elves are protected from them by their attack forces and their dolphins. As a result of this, there are also clear sailing routes that are much safer than normal because of the work the aquatic elves put into it. Thus, most seaside communities severely punish those who incur the wrath of the oceanic elves, occasionally even to the point of execution. Only the most evil of people encourage the death of the sea elves and their dolphins. Reprisal for their murder is always swift and brutal; the elves tolerate not the killing of either brethren or friend.   Obviously, the aquatic elves do not lightly leave the sanctuary of the oceans. The harsh environment of the land world discourages any elf who foolishly wishes to leave the soothing waves. This does not mean that the sea elves have no dealings with those who breathe air. Any elves, excluding deep elves, are welcome to visit the land of the sea elves, and they will be greeted royally. Those who have proven themselves true friends to the elves are also welcomed into the lands of the sea elves.   Trade delegations are common between land and sea elves, although it is usually the land elves who must travel, for they have magic more suited to surviving under the waves than the sea elves have for surviving above.   Aquatic elves commonly travel with elven ships, defending those aboard from attacks beneath the waves. Since they are accomplished at scuttling the ships of evil humans and humanoids, aquatic elves are feared by pirates and those who would prey on elven craft.   Aquatic elves also often consort with dolphins and hippocampi, and the latter are bred as mounts. Dolphins and sea elves are usually on the best of terms and easily befriend each other. They serve one another’s needs, giving mutual protection and aid. Coral elves also befriend coral crabs, great beasts upon which entire reefs can grow.   Aquatic elf society consists mainly of the sea elves who dwell in a five-mile area. There is a titular king or queen to whom they pay homage, but the ruler rarely affects their daily lives. Sea elves live structured lives, but are still free to take care of anything they personally feel is necessary, coming together under the banner of their ruler only in times of emergency or great trouble. The lords and ladies of the ocean cities do little other than escort visitors and conduct the trade that aquatic elves find so enjoyable. The rest of the population tends to be artists, hunters, and farmers, all concerned with making survival possible and life pleasant for the rest of the community. Outside of that, however, all citizens in oceanic elf societies are trained in combat, learning to use tridents from a young age. Coral elves rarely if ever learn true military tactics, instead preferring stealthy tactics and guerilla warfare, striking out from amongst their coral home then retreating and using their natural camouflage to disappear.   Oceanic elves live in cities of deep-sea stone supplemented with glittering crystal domes while coral elves live in cities shaped from pure living coral and sea glass. Their undersea paradise is marked by sea elf farmers tending schools of fish; it is also marked by the peace one can find beneath the waves. The wash of blue and green-dappled light has inspired above sea artists for years—and will no doubt continue for years to come.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aeralinia, Aqueloria, Calindra, Celoriane, Eloranna, Elorindra, Istharelle, Lurandria, Maeriona, Maranethia, Marilenna, Naelorithia, Naelorwyn, Nalendra, Norandria, Selorithia, Selvandria, Silvarinya, Thalassara, Thalvaelith, Thalvandriel, Thandoria, Valaelina, Valaelwen, Valandriel

Masculine names

Aquelarion, Calandril, Calithor, Celorian, Elorion, Isthalar, Lurandar, Maelorin, Maerion, Marandor, Naelorin, Nalendur, Norandar, Norandor, Selorian, Selvandor, Silvandor, Silvarion, Thalvandar, Thalvandor, Thalvorian, Thandoril, Valaelor, Valandorin, Valarian

Family names

Aquarelle, Aquashar, Calaelen, Drakonar, Elandriel, Isilithil, Ithildrel, Luridryn, Marindrel, Morvandel, Morvandor, Nandoril, Narandor, Nereithel, Ossiril, Selaquen, Silmarin, Silmaros, Sylvarok, Thalendir, Thalvandor, Thalvyr, Thessalor, Varithor, Vildorin
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Game Mechanics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment. +1 Strength
Aquatic Elf Weapon Proficiency. You gain proficiency with tridents and nets, and you gain a +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls with tridents.
Amphibious. You can breath both air and water, and you have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Confer Water Breathing. Once per day, you can confer the ability to breathe water upon another individual. This lasts for one hour per experience level you possess.
Sonar. While underwater, you can "see" using water currents to a range of 360 feet as though using darkvision.
Water Dependency. For every 2 days you spend outside of salt water, you suffer a -1 penalty to all ability scores. You recover after 2 days in salt water, and you die if any score reaches 0 in this way. Spending time in fresh water will not let you recover, but will pause the time elapsing toward the next penalty. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Aquatic Elf. Additionally, you speak Undersea Common rather than Common.

5th Edition
To be made

4th Edition
To be made

3.5th Edition
To be made

2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Dexterity, but a -1 to Intelligence.
Strength 3 18
Dexterity 6 19
Constitution 8 18
Intelligence 7 17
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 8 18
Fighter 12
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger 15
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
Mage 15
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 12
Cleric 12
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 12
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 10
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 7
Special Advantages. Aquatic elves get a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a trident.   Once per day, the elf can confer the ability to breathe water upon another individual or creature. This ability lasts for one hour for every level of the elf conferring the ability. For example, a 6th level aquatic elf thief could confer water breathing on another for six hours.   While underwater, an aquatic elf can “see” using water currents to a range of 360 feet, as though using infravision.   Special Hindrances. Aquatic elves can be out of salt water for only a number of days equal to their Constitution scores. For every two days spent out of the water, the aquatic elf suffers a -1 penalty to all ability scores, and to all rolls. Weakened elves recover within two turns when they return to salt water. Elves who enter fresh water do not recover, but the process of dehydration halts. Aquatic elves can stay in fresh water indefinitely. If any ability score reaches 0 in this way, the aquatic elf dries out and dies.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Oceanic elves are structures and orderly, as well as having military training. They tend to take and give orders easily and try to keep their word whenever possible. Coral elves, on the other hand, are more chaotic in their attitude, and prefer to simply ride the winds of fate.   Aquatic elves love the sea above all things, and will do anything to protect it. While this primarily refers to their home reef in the case of coral elves, oceanic elves see it as their duty to police the oceans and protect the inhabitants within it.   Needing to leave the oceans is a dreadful and quite painful experience for aquatic elves, and they will avoid it at all costs.   Languages. Elvish, Aquatic Elvish, Ancient Elvish, Kuo-Toan, Sahuagin, Dolphin, Merfolk, Undersea Common

Pathfinder 2e
To be made
Encompassed species


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