Ranger 2

Class GroupWarrior
Ability Score RequirementsStrength 13
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Wisdom 14
Prime RequisitesStrength, Dexterity, Wisdom
Races Allowed
Alignments AllowedAny (Almost always Good)
The Ranger Priest Spell Levels
Level XP Needed Hit Dice (d10) THAC0/BAB Attacks/Round Hide in Shadows Move Silently Casting Level 1 2 3
1 0 1 20/+0 1/round 10% 15%
2 2,250 2 19/+1 1/round 15% 21%
3 4,500 3 18/+2 1/round 20% 27%
4 9,000 4 17/+3 1/round 25% 33%
5 18,000 5 16/+4 1/round 31% 40%
6 36,000 6 15/+5 1/round 37% 47%
7 75,000 7 14/+6 3/2 rounds 43% 55%
8 150,000 8 13/+7 3/2 rounds 49% 62% 1 1
9 300,000 9 12/+8 3/2 rounds 56% 70% 2 2
10 600,000 9+3 11/+9 3/2 rounds 63% 78% 3 2 1
11 900,000 9+6 10/+10 3/2 rounds 70% 86% 4 2 2
12 1,200,000 9+9 9/+11 3/2 rounds 77% 94% 5 2 2 1
13 1,500,000 9+12 8/+12 2/round 85% 99%1 6 3 2 1
14 1,800,000 9+15 7/+13 2/round 93% 99%1 8 3 2 2
15 2,100,000 9+18 6/+14 2/round 99%1 99%1 7 3 3 2
16 2,400,000 9+21 5/+15 2/round 99%1 99%1 92 3 3 3
17 2,700,000 9+24 4/+16 2/round 99%1 99%1 92 3 3 3
18 3,000,000 9+27 3/+17 2/round 99%1 99%1 92 3 3 3
19 3,300,000 9+30 2/+18 2/round 99%1 99%1 92 3 3 3
20 3,600,000 9+33 1/+19 2/round 99%1 99%1 92 3 3 3
1Maximum percentile score.
2Maximum spell ability.  

Class Features

Hit Points

Hit Dice (Levels 1-9): 1d10 + HP Adjustment per level
Hit Dice (Levels 10+): +3 HP per level

Starting Equipment

Start with 5d4 x 10 gp to purchase starting equipment with. Can keep left over money. Using the Alternate Starting Wealthhouse rule, the ranger can instead begin play with 120 gp or the following pre-selected equipment:

Combat Proficiency

  • Can wear any armor.
    • Needs to wear lighter armor for some abilities.
  • Can use any weapon.
  • Can use potions, protection scrolls, most rings, and all forms of enchanted armor, weapons, and shields.
    • Cannot have more treasure than they can carry.
      • Excess treasure must either be converted to a portable form or donated to a worthy NPC institution.


Non-Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts at Level 1 with 3 Non-Weapon Proficiencies Slots
  • Gains a Non-Weapon Proficiency every multiple of 3 levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18)
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at normal cost in the General and Warrior categories.
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at +1 cost from any other category.
  • Startis with Tracking proficiency for no cost.
    • This skill improves by +1 for every three levels the ranger has earned (3rd to 5th level, +1; 6th to 8th level, +2, etc.).

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts at Level 1 with 4 Weapon Proficiency Slots
    • -2 Penalty to hit with weapons without proficiency
  • Gains a Weapon Proficiency Slot every multiple of 3 levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18)
  • When wearing studded leather or lighter armor, a ranger can fight two-handed with no penalty to their attack rolls.
    • A ranger can still fight with two weapons while wearing heavier armor than studded leather, but suffers the standard attack roll penalties.


At 8th level, a ranger can learn Priest spells of the Plantor Animal spheres.
  • Gains and casts spells according to the rules given for priests.
  • Does not gain bonus spells for a high Wisdom score.
  • Not able to use priest scrolls or magical items, unless specially noted otherwise.
  • Spell level and spell slots can be found by looking at the table at the top of this article.

Rogue Abilities

While wearing studded leather or lighter armor, the ranger can try to move silently and hide in shadows.
  • Adjust by Race.
  • Adjust by Dexterity.
  • Adjust by Armor Worn.
    • Bracers of Defense or a cloak do not count towards armor.
When attempting these actions in non-natural surroundings (a musty crypt or city streets) the chance of success is halved.   Hiding in shadows and moving silently are not possible in any armor heavier than studded leather—the armor is inflexible and makes too much noise.
  • Move Silently. A ranger can try to move silently at any time simply by announcing that he intends to do so. While moving silently, the ranger's movement rate is reduced to 1/3 normal. The DM rolls percentile dice to determine whether the ranger is moving silently; the ranger always thinks he is being quiet. Successful silent movement improves the ranger's chance to surprise a victim, avoid discovery, or move into position to stab an enemy in the back. Obviously, a ranger moving silently but in plain view of his enemies is wasting his time.
  • Hide in Shadows. A ranger can try to disappear into shadows or any other type of concealment—bushes, curtains, crannies, etc. A ranger can hide this way only when no one is looking at him; he remains hidden only as long as he remains virtually motionless. (The ranger can make small, slow, careful movements: draw a weapon, uncork a potion, etc.) A ranger can never become hidden while a guard is watching him, no matter what his dice roll is—his position is obvious to the guard. However, trying to hide from a creature that is locked in battle with another is possible, as the enemy's attention is fixed elsewhere. The DM rolls the dice and keeps the result secret, but the ranger always thinks he is hidden.   Hiding in shadows cannot be done in total darkness, since the talent lies in fooling the eye as much as in finding real concealment (camouflage, as it were). However, hidden characters are equally concealed to those with or without infravision. Spells, magical items, and special abilities that reveal invisible objects can reveal the location of a hidden ranger.

Favored Enemy

Before advancing to 2nd level, every ranger must select a species enemy.   Typical enemies include giants, orcs, lizard men, trolls, or ghouls; your DM has final approval on the choice.   Thereafter, whenever the ranger encounters that enemy, he gains a +4 bonus to his attack rolls.   This enmity can be concealed only with great difficulty, so the ranger suffers a -4 penalty on all encounter reactions with creatures of the hated type.

Animal Empathy

Rangers are adept with both trained and untamed creatures, having a limited degree of animal empathy. If a ranger carefully approaches or tends any natural animal, he can try to modify the animal's reactions. (A natural animal is one that can be found in the real world—a bear, snake, zebra, etc.—but not the giant or dire variants of such creatures)   When dealing with domestic or non-hostile animals, a ranger can approach the animal and befriend it automatically. He can easily discern the qualities of the creature (spotting the best horse in the corral or seeing that the runt of the litter actually has great promise).   When dealing with a wild animal or an animal trained to attack, the animal must roll a saving throw vs. rods to resist the ranger's overtures. (This table is used even though the ranger's power is non-magical.) The ranger imposes a -1 penalty on the die roll for every three experience levels he has earned (-1 at 1st to 3rd, -2 at 4th to 6th, etc.). If the creature fails the saving throw, its reaction can be shifted one category as the ranger chooses. Of course, the ranger must be at the front of the party and must approach the creature fearlessly.

Strongholds & Followers

Rangers can build castles, forts, or strongholds, but do not gain any special followers by doing so.   At 10th level, a ranger attracts 2d6 followers. These followers might be normal humans, but they are often animals or even stranger denizens of the land. The table below can be used to determine these, or your DM may assign specific followers.   Of course, your DM can assign particular creatures, either choosing from the list above or from any other source. They can also rule that certain creatures are not found in the region—it is highly unlikely that a tiger would come wandering through a territory similar to western Europe!   These followers arrive over the course of several months. often they are encountered during the ranger's adventures (allowing you and your DM a chance to role-play the initial meeting).   While the followers are automatically loyal and friendly toward the ranger, their future behavior depends on the ranger's treatment of them. In all cases, the ranger does not gain any special method of communicating with their followers. They must either have some way of speaking to them or they simply mutely accompany them on their journeys.   Of course, the ranger is not obligated to take on followers. If they prefer to remain independent, they can release their followers at any time. They reluctantly depart, but stand ready to answer any call for aid they might put out at a later time.
Die Roll Followers
01-10 Bear, Black
11-20 Bear, Brown
21 Brownie1
22-26 Cleric (Human)
27-38 Dog/Wolf
39-40 Druid
41-50 Falcon
51-53 Fighter (Elf)
54-55 Fighter (Gnome)
56-57 Fighter (Halfling)
58-65 FIghter (Human)
66 Fighter/Mage (Elf)1
67-72 Great Cat (Tiger, Lion, Etc.)1
73 Hippogriff
74 Pegasus1
75 Pixie1
76-80 Ranger (Half-Elf)
81-90 Ranger (Human)
91-94 Raver
95 Satyr1
96 Thief (Halfling)
97 Thief (Human)
98 Treant1
99 Werebear/Weretiger1
100 Other wilderness creature (chosen by the DM)

Saving Throws

Experience LevelParalyzation, Poison, or Death MagicRod, Staff, or WandPetrification or Polymorph1Breath Weapon2Spell3
1Exlusing polymorph wand attacks.
2Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
3Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as death, petrification, polymorph, etc.


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