Monk 2

Class GroupPriest
Ability Score RequirementsStrength 9
Dexterity 13
Wisdom 9
Prime RequisiteStrength, Dexterity, Wisdom
Races Allowed
Alignment Allowed:Any Lawful

Class Features

Hit Points

Hit Dice (Levels 1-9): 1d8 + HP Adjustment per level
Hit Dice (Levels 10+): +2 HP per level

Starting Equipment

Start with 3d6 gp to purchase starting equipment with. Must return all gold excess of 3 gp prior to starting. Using the Alternate Starting Wealth house rule, the monk can instead begin play with a holy symbol of their god and 10 gp or the following pre-selected equipment. All excess of 3 gp must still be returned:
  Monks may keep only enough treasure to support himself or herself in a modest manner.
  • All excess must be donated to the temple, monastery, or another worthy cause.
  • This money can never be given to another player character or NPC controlled by a player.

Combat Proficiency

  • Cannot wear any armor.
  • Can use daggers, hand axes, clubs, staves, spears, javelins, and polearms.
  • Can use most potions, protection scrolls, most rings, and enchanted forms of any allowed weapons.
    • Can own no more than five magic items. A monk that uses a magic item is considered to own that item until they have not used it for more than one month, unless the item is destroyed by use such as potions and scrolls.


Non-Weapom Proficiencies

  • Starts with 4 Non-Weapon Proficiencies.
  • Gains a Non-Weapon Proficiency every multiple of 3 levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18)
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at normal cost in the General, Rogue, and Warrior categories.
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at +1 cost from any other category.

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts with 2 Weapon Proficiencies
  • Gains a Weapon Proficiency Slot every multiple of 4 levels (level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20).
  • -3 Penalty to Attack Roll if using Non-Proficient Weapon
  • Monks can never gain mastery in any weapon above Skilled.

Basic Skills


Monks can move faster than a normal creature of their race due to their training and heightened body awareness; their movement rate increases as they gain levels.

Unarmed Combat

  • All monks begin with the ability to do lethal damage with their hands and feet as if they were carrying weapons. This "open hand" ability begins modestly but eventually allows the monk to strike several times per round in combat and inflict wounds equal to those from the most dangerous weapons; these multiple attacks cannot be accelerated through the use of magic such as haste.
  • Their ability to evade and to fortify their flesh against blows also gives them a bonus to their armor class, which increases by level.
  • While they prefer open-hand attacks to weapons, monks retain their awareness of anatomy and are able to cause extra damage when they use weapons against living creatures, equal to the monk's level divided by 2, rounded up. This extra damage only applies against creatures with familiar anatomies (musculature, skeletal system, joints, etc.) so this ability cannot be used against amorphous creatures such as slimes, gaseous life forms and so forth.
  • Once per day per level, a monk may attempt to stun an opponent with an open-hand attack. The monk declares the intent to stun and rolls to hit; if the attack hits, the target must roll a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be stunned (unable to attack and losing all Dexterity adjustments) for one round.
  • A monk may deflect an incoming fired or hurled normal missile (arrow, bolt, dagger, and so on, but not extremely large projectiles such as ballista bolts or hurled boulders) by forsaking any other action and making a save vs. petrification. The monk can deflect a number of projectiles equal to the average number of attacks per round they can make with their Unarmed Strikes, and so can deflect 1 projectile at 1st level, 2 projectiles at 7th level, 3 projectiles at 13, and 4 projectiles at 19.
  • If a monk is attacked by an effect that requires a saving throw, a successful saving throw vs. the attack results in the monk taking no damage, even if the attack was a fireball, for example.

Thief Skills

Climb WallsFind (but not Remove) TrapsDetect NoiseHide in ShadowsMove Silently
Base Score50%5%10%5%5%
To determine the initialvalue of each skill, start with the base scores listed above.
  • Adjust by Race
  • Adjust by Dexterity
  • Adjust by Armor Worn
    • Bracers of Defense or a cloak do not count toward armor.
  • At first level, Monks get 35 points to distribute.
    • No more than 30 points of this can be assigned in a single skill.
  • At level up they gain 15 percentage points to distribute.
  • No skill can be raised above 95 percent, including all adjustments.
  • Thief skills are subject to modifiers for situation and armor.
Certain races or having a low dexterity will put a skill below 0% at level 1. These skills cannot be used until the percentage is raised to at least 1%.

  • Climb Walls enables the monk to climb near sheer surfaces without the aid of tools.
  • Find Traps enables the monk to find small traps and alarms. These include poisoned needles, spring blades, deadly gases, and warning bells. This skill is not effective for finding deadfall ceilings, crushing walls, or other large, mechanical traps.
  • Detect Noise improves the monk's chances of hering and interpreting sounds. He or she may be able to overhear parts of a conversation on the other side of a door or pick up the sound of something stalking the party. To use the ability, the monk must stand unhelmeted and concentrate for one round. During this time, all other party members must remain silent. The GM secretly makes the check and informs the player of the result.
  • Hide in Shadows enables the monk to try to disappear into shadows or any other type of concealment—bushes, curtains, crannies, etc. A monk can hide this way only when no one is looking at him or her: he or she remains hidden only as long as he or she remains virtually motionless.
  • Move Silently allows the monk to try to move silently at any time simply by announcing that he or she intends to do so. While moving silently, the monk's movement rate is reduced to 1/3 normal. The GM secretly makes the check to determine whether the monk is moving silently; the monk always thinks he or she is being quiet.

Killing Strike

At 2nd level, a monk gains the ability to kill opponents with a successful open hand attack. The attack must stun the target, who then must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation at +4 or die.

Resistance to ESP

At 3rd level, a monk can resist ESP or other thought-reading attempts by making a save vs. death magic at +2.

Fall Safely

A 4th level monk is able to safely fall up to 20' as long as they are within 1' of a wall. This ability assumes the monk can make periodic contact with the wall to slow the fall. A tree or similar solid object counts as a wall for this purpose.   At 6th level, the monk can fall up to 30' without harm so long as they are within 4' of a wall.   At 8th level, the monk can fall up to 50' without harm so long as they are within 6' of a wall.

Immune to Disease, Haste and Slow

At 5th level, a monk becomes immune to all diseases, as well as haste and slow spells.

Self Heal

At 7th level, the monk gains the ability to momentarily accelerate the healing process of the body, repairing 2 points of damage suffered by the monk per level once a day.

Bonus to Initiative

An 8th-level monk's initiative rolls are improved by 1. If using House Rule 6, this feature has no effect. At 12th-level, this bonus increases to a +2 bonus to initiative rolls.

Resistance to Charm Effects

A 9th-level monk is unaffected by charm-type spells and effects if they make a successful saving throw vs. wand; if this resistance roll fails, normal saves (if any) apply to resist the effect.

Magical Open Hand Strikes

At 10th-level, the monk's hands and feet are considered +1 weapons for the purposes of striking creatures that can only be hit by magic weapons.   At 16th-level, this increases to being treated as +2 weapons.

Immune to Poison

At 11th level, monks become immune to all poisons.

Quivering Palm

At 13th-level, a monk gains the ability to make an attack called the "quivering palm", which creates disharmonic vibrations in a target creature's body and may cause death if the monk so wishes. Use of the quivering palm is as follows:
  • It may be attempted once per week, and must be announced before making an unarmed strike.[/li
  • It only affects man-sized or smaller creatures that can be affected by the monk's stun attack, and only if the monk is of a higher level (or hit dice) than the target creature.
  • If the attack hits, it causes normal damage. The monk may slay the target with the vibrations at any time within the time limit of one day per level of the monk; the target gets a save vs. death magic to avoid the effect.

Always gets a Saving Throw

A monk of 14th level always gets a saving throw vs. magical attacks, even when non is normally allowed.

Premonition of Death or Harm

A 15th level monk gains a limited precognitive ability; there is a 90% chance that a premonition of death or serious harm warns the monk 1-4 turns before the event occurs.

Astral Projection

A 17th-level monk is able to leave their body and project themselves into the astral plane (as an astral spell they may do this once per week, remaining away for any length of time, although the physical body still needs nourishment and will starve if not cared for.

Strongholds & Followers

Monks never gain followers, but at 9th level a monk may receive permission to establish a temple or monastery as an outpost of their order; if they do so, 10d4 monks of lower level will come to their monastery and take up their studies there, recognizing the PC monk as the head of their abbey.

Saving Throws

Experience LevelParalyzation, Poison, or Death MagicRod, Staff, or WandPetrification or Polymorph1Breath Weapon2Spell3
1Excluding polymorph wand attacks.
2Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
3Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as death, petrification, polymorph, etc.


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