Psionicist 2

Class GroupPsionicist
Ability Score RequirementsConstitution 11
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 15
Prime RequisiteConstitution, Wisdom
Allowed Races
Alignments AllowedAny non-chaotic
Level XP Needed Hit Dice (d6) Total Disciplines Total Sciences Total Devotions Def Modes THAC0/BAB
1 0 1 1 1 3 1 20/+0
2 2,200 2 2 1 5 1 20/+0
3 4,400 3 2 2 7 2 19/+1
4 8,800 4 2 2 9 2 19/+1
5 16,500 5 2 3 10 3 18/+2
6 30,000 6 3 3 11 3 18/+2
7 55,000 7 3 4 12 4 17/+3
8 100,000 8 3 4 13 4 17/+3
9 200,000 9 3 5 14 5 16/+4
10 400,000 9+2 4 5 15 5 16/+4
11 600,000 9+4 4 6 16 5 15/+5
12 800,000 9+6 4 6 17 5 15/+5
13 1,000,000 9+8 4 7 18 5 14/+6
14 1,200,000 9+10 5 7 19 5 14/+6
15 1,500,000 9+12 5 8 20 5 13/+7
16 1,800,000 9+14 5 8 21 5 13/+7
17 2,100,000 9+16 5 9 22 5 12/+8
18 2,400,000 9+18 6 9 23 5 12/+8
19 2,700,000 9+20 6 10 24 5 11/+9
20 3,000,000 9+22 6 10 25 5 11/+9

Class Features

Hit Points

Hit Dice (Levels 1-9): 1d6 + HP Adjustment per level
Hit Dice (Levels 10+): +2 HP per level

Starting Equipment

Start with a spellbook and 3d4 x 10 gp to purchase starting equipment with. Can keep left over money.
Using the Alternate Starting Wealth house rule, the psion can instead begin play with 75 gp or the following pre-selected equipment:

Combat Proficiency

  • Allowed Armor: Can use any armor, but heavier armor has increasing penalties. Small shield.
    • Wearing helmets blocks the Psion using their powers entirely. The exception is certain psionic or magical helmets.
  • Allowed Weapons: Short bow, throwing axe, hand crossbow, horseman's mace, light crossbow, horseman's pick, dagger, scimitar, dirk, spear, knife, short sword, club, war hammer, hand axe.


Non-Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts with 3 Non-Weapon Proficiencies
  • Gains a Non-Weapon Proficiency every multiple of 3 levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18...)
  • Can chose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at normal cost in the General and Psionicist categories
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at +1 cost from any other category.

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts at Level 1 with 2 Weapon Proficiency Slots
    • -4 Penalty to hit with weapons without proficiency
  • Gains a Weapon Proficiency Slot every multiple of 5 levels (level 5, 10, 15, 20)

Psionic Discipline

Every psionic power belongs to one of the six disciplines: Clairsentience, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, Telepathy, & Metapsionics.   Psionic characters begin play with access to only one discipline, which is their primary discipline. Looking at the table at the top of this article will tell you when you unlock additional disciplines. (Levels 2, 6, 10, 14, 18). The first discipline always remains the primary.   You only can learn Psionic Powers in a Psionic Discipline you belong. To cast Psionic Powers, you spend PSP.

Psionic Powers

List of Psionic Powers here: Psionic Powers

At 1st level, a Psion knows four powers from their primary discipline: one science (major power) and three devotions (minor powers).   Players must follow two simple rules when choosing new powers for their characters:
  • Within a single discipline, the number of devotions that a character knows must be at least twice the number of sciences.
  • A character can never learn as many sciences or devotions in another discipline as they currently know in their primary discipline.
Gaining Sciences and Devotions: At level up look at the table above to see if the psion has gained either a new science or devotion, or both.   A psion can hold off learning their new powers, and don't have to do it at level up. However, a psion with unfilled power slots suffers a 5% decrease in earned experience until those slots have been filled.   Raising Psionic Power Scores: A character can increase a psionic power score when they reach a new experience level by "relearning it" (he or she repeats his or her studies, and learns something new about a familiar power). Instead of learning a new devotion, the character can add one point to their power score in a devotion they already know. Similarly, he or she can exchange a new science for a one-point increase in a science he or she already knows.

Defense Modes

Psionicists automatically learn defense modes at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th until they know them all. Defense modes do not count toward the psionicist's maximum number of powers. Nor are they counted when characters determine the relative number of sciences and devotions they can acquire within a given discipline.   Psionicists can learn defense modes even if they don't have access to the telepathic discipline.   There are the five psionic defense modes:
  • Mind Blank
  • Thought Shield
  • Mental Barrier
  • Tower of Iron Will
  • Intellect Fortress

Using Psionic Powers

Psionic Powers will cost PSP to cast, and not have initiative modifiers.   A Psionicist character can initiate only one psionic power per round. There are two key exceptions:
  • Once a power is initiated, a character can maintain that power for as long as they can continue paying the maintenance cost (this assumes that the power has a maintenance cost; if no such cost is mentioned in the description, the power cannot be maintained beyond its initial duration).
  • Psionic defense modes (mind blank, thought shield, mental barrier, intellect fortress, and tower of iron will) do not count against the one-power-per-round limit. A character can always use a defense mode and initiate one other psionic power in the same round.

Psionic Strength Points (PSPs)

To manifest Psionic Powers, you use up PSP.
  • PSPs cannot be lost because of sleep or unconsciousness; they can only be expended or drained.

Working out Initial PSP value

Follow these steps to calculate a character's total PSPs:
  1. Look up the Psionicist's Base Score by using their Wisdom on the table below.
  2. Look up Intelligence and Constitution on the table and adjust the scores by their "Ability Modifier's.
    • Wisdom Base Score + Intelligence Ability Modifier + Constitution Ability Modifier = Total PSP at level 1.
Wisdom Base Score Ability Modifier Intelligence Ability Modifier Constitution Ability Modifier
15 20 0 15 0 15 0
16 22 +1 16 +1 16 +1
17 24 +2 17 +2 17 +2
18 26 +3 18 +3 18 +3

Leveling up PSP

Each time you level up:
  • Current PSP + 10 + Wisdom Ability Modifer
Example: Rowina has just advanced to a new level. Her Wisdom is 17. According to Table 5, the modifier for this score is +2. Rowina can add 12 PSPs (2 + 10) to her total pool.

Recovering PSP

The rate of PSP return can be found on the table below. The rate within in brackets is if the DM is using optional "faster" PSP recovery instead of the default.
Physical Activity PSPs Recovered
Hard exertion1 none
Walking, riding 3/hour (1 every 2 turns)
Sitting, resting, reading 6/hour (1/turn)
Sleeping 12/hour (2/turn)
1"Hard exertion" includes fighting, running, digging ditches, walking while encumbered, climbing a rope, scaling a mountain, exploring a dungeon, swimming, and any other activity the DM wants to include.

Maintaining Self-Control

Discipline is the foundation of all psionic power. A character whose creed is chaos cannot achieve the level of self-control that psionicists require. A character who becomes chaotic for any reason will quickly lose their psionic powers.   Every day a Psionicist's alignment is chaotic, they must make an ability check against one-half of their Wisdom score, rounded down.
  • Each failure means the Psionicist loses access to one of their disciplines, selected randomly by the Dungeon Master.
Furthermore, a chaotic character cannot recover psionic strength points.   If the Psionicist alignment is no-longer chaotic, they can recover their disciplines, one per day, by successfully making the same halved Wisdom check.

Strongholds & Followers

At 9th level a psionicist becomes a "contemplative master". They can build a sanctuary (usually in an isolated place), and use it as their headquarters. They also begin to attract followers.   One neophyte psionicist (1st or 2nd level) will arrive each month, coming to study at the feet of the master. These neophytes will arrive regardless of whether or not the master builds a sanctuary. If the master does have a sanctuary, however, they will attract a maximum number of followers equal to their Charisma score. If not, the maximum number is halved (rounded down).   These followers want only to learn. They will serve in any capacity the master chooses. In return, the master must spend at least 10 hours per week instructing their followers, or they will leave.

Saving Throws

Experience LevelParalyzation, Poison, or Death MagicRod, Staff, or WandPetrification or Polymorph1Breath Weapon2Spell3
1Excluding polymorph wand attacks.
2Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
3Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as death, petrification, polymorph, etc.


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