Cleric 2

Class GroupPriest
Ability Score RequirementsWisdom 9
Prime RequisiteWisdom
Allowed Races
Allowed AlignmentsAny acceptable to patron deity
The ClericSpellSlotsperSpellLevel
LevelXP NeededHit Dice (d8)THAC0/BAB123456172
1Usable only by clerics with 17 or greater Wisdom.
2Usable only by clerics with 18 or greater Wisdom.  

Class Features

Hit Points

Hit Dice (Levels 1-10): 1d8 + HP Adjustment per level
Hit Dice (Levels 11+): +2 HP per level

Starting Equipment

Start with a holy symbol of your deity and 3d6 x 10 gp to purchase starting equipment with. Must return all gold excess of 3 gp prior to starting. Using the Alternate Starting Wealth house rule, the cleric can instead begin play with a holy symbol of your deity and 100 gp or the following pre-selected equipment. All excess of 3 gp must still be returned:

Combat Proficiency

  • Can wear any armor.
  • Allowed to use only blunt, bludgeoning weapons.
  • Can use priest scrolls, most potions and rings, some wands and rods, staves, armor, shields, and magical versions of any allowed weapons.


Non-Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts with 4 Non-Weapon Proficiencies
  • Gains a Non-Weapon Proficiency every multiple of 3 levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18)
  • Can chose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at normal cost in the General and Priest categories.
  • Can chose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at +1 cost from any other category

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts with 2 Weapon Proficiencies
  • Gains a Weapon Proficiency Slot every multiple of 4 levels (level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20)
  • -3 Penalty to Attack Roll if using Non-Proficiency Weapon


Clerics have access to a number of spheres of spells to cast. A cleric has major access to the following spells: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromancy, Protection, Summoning, Sun   Clerics receive their spells as insight directly from their deity. Clerics must take care not to abuse this power lest it be taken away as punishment.

Turn Undead

Clerics have the ability to turn undead.   This ability allows the cleric to drive away the undead or destroy them utterly.   A cleric of evil alignment can bind the creatures to their will instead.   This ability grows stronger as the cleric gains levels.   Turn Undead Mechanics
One important, and potentially life-saving, combat ability available to priests and paladins is the ability to turn undead. This is a special power granted by the character's deity. Druids cannot turn undead; specialty priests may be able to at the DM's option.   Through the priest or paladin, the deity manifests a portion of its power, terrifying evil, undead creatures or blasting them right out of existence. However, since the power must be channeled through a mortal vessel, success is not always assured.   When encountering undead, a priest or paladin can attempt to turn the creatures (remember that the paladin turns undead as if he was two levels lower). Only one attempt can be made per character per encounter, but several different characters can make attempts at the same time (with the results determined individually).   Attempting to turn counts as an action, requiring one round and occurring during the character's turn in the initiative order (thus, the undead may get to act before the character can turn them). The mere presence of the character is not enough—a touch of drama from the character is important. Speech and gestures are important, so the character must have his hands free and be in a position to speak. However, turning is not like spellcasting and is not interrupted if the character is attacked during the attempt.   To resolve a turning attempt, look on the table below. Cross-index the Hit Dice or type of the undead with the level of the character (two levels lower for a paladin). If there is a number listed, roll 1d20. If the number rolled is equal to or greater than that listed, the attempt is successful. If the letter "T" (for "turned") appears, the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll. If the letter "D" (for "dispel") is given, the turning utterly destroys the undead. A dash (—) means that a priest or paladin of that level cannot turn that type of undead. A successful turn or dispel affects 2d6 undead. If the undead are a mixed group, the lowest Hit Dice creatures are turned first.   Only one die is rolled regardless of the number of undead the character is attempting to turn in a given round. The result is read individually for each type of undead.   Turned undead bound by the orders of another (for example, skeletons) simply retreat and allow the character and those with him to pass or complete their actions.   Free-willed undead attempt to flee the area of the turning character, until out of his sight. If unable to escape, they circle at a distance, no closer than ten feet to the character, provided he continues to maintain his turning (no further die rolls are needed).   If the character forces the free-willed undead to come closer than ten feet (by pressing them into a corner, for example) the turning is broken and the undead attack normally.  

Evil Priests and Undead

Evil priests are normally considered to be in league with undead creatures, or at least to share their aims and goals. Thus, they have no ability to turn undead. However, they can attempt to command these beings.   This is resolved in the same way as a turning attempt. Up to 12 undead can be commanded. A "T" result means the undead automatically obey the evil priest, while a "D" means the undead become completely subservient to the evil priest. They follow his commands (to the best of their ability and understanding) until turned, commanded, or destroyed by another.   Evil priests also have the ability to affect paladins, turning them as if they were undead. However, since the living spirit of a paladin is far more difficult to quell and subvert, paladins are vastly more difficult to turn.   An evil priest attempting to turn a paladin does so as if the priest were three levels lower than he actually is. Thus, a 7th-level evil priest would turn paladins on the 4th-level column. He would have only a slim chance of turning a 7th-level paladin (7 HD) and would not be able to turn one of 8th level at all (using the level of the paladin as the HD to be turned). All "D" results against paladins are treated as "T" results.
Type or Hit Dice of Undead12345678910-1112-1314+
Skeleton or 1 HD1074TTDDD2D2D2D2D2
Ghoul or 2 HD16131074TTDDD2D2D2
Shadow or 3-4 HD1916131074TTDDD2D2
WIght or 5 HD201916131074TTDDD2
Wraith or 6 HD201916131074TTD
Mummy or 7 HD201916131074TT
Spectre or 8 HD201916131074T
Vampire or 9 HD20191613107[/tdh]4
Ghost or 10 HD20191613107
Lich or 11+ HD—[/tdh]2019161310
1Paladins turn undead as priests who are two levels lower.
2An additional 2d4 creatures of this type are turned.
3Special creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.

Strongholds & Followers

Upon reaching 8th level, the cleric automatically attracts a fanatically loyal group of believers, provided the character has established a place of worship of significant size. The cleric can build this place of worship at any time during their career, but they do not attract believers until he reaches 8th level. These followers are normal warriors, 0-level soldiers, ready to fight for the cleric's cause. The cleric attracts 20d10 of these followers; they arrive over a period of several weeks. After the initial followers assemble, no new followers trickle in to fill the ranks of those who have fallen in service. The DM decides the exact number and types of followers attracted by the cleric. The character can hire other troops as needed, but these are not as loyal as their followers.   At 9th level, the cleric may receive official approval to establish a religious stronghold, be it a fortified abbey or a secluded convent. Obviously, the stronghold must contain all the trappings of a place of worship and must be dedicated to the service of the cleric's cause. However, the construction cost of the stronghold is half the normal price, since the work has official sanction and much of the labor is donated. The cleric can hold property and build a stronghold any time before reaching 9th level, but this is done without church sanction and does not receive the benefits described above.  

Saving Throws

Experience LevelParalyzation, Poison, or Death MagicRod, Staff, or WandPetrification or Polymorph1Breath Weapon2Spell3
1Excluding polymorph wand attacks.
2Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
3Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as death, petrification, polymorph, etc.


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