Cavern Half-Orc

Half-orcs spawed from the loins of some of the most vile creatures to claim the title of orcs, cavern half-orcs are adapted to life deep beneath the surface of Elaris. With loose, flabby skin, overgrown canines, and bald heads with skin stretched tight over their skull, their appearance is grotesque by even the standards of other monstrous humanoids. However, their formidable strength and awoken minds make them a force to be reckoned with in the dark depths of the underworld.   Cavern half-orcs stand between 7 and 7½ feet tall, with loose, flabby skin that hangs from their bones in sheets. This excess skin provides a strange but effective form of insulation against the cold and damp conditions o their subterranean homes. Their bald heads are characterized by skin that looks far too tight, creating a stark contrast with the rest of their bodies. Their eyes are typically a pale, almost luminescent color, adapted to see in the pitch-black darkness of the Underdark. Their overgrown canines, almost always dripping with spittle due to their ill-fitting nature, give them a permanently fierce and intimidation appearance.   Despite their unusual appearance, cavern half-orcs possess strength greater than that of a normal human. Their muscles, hidden beneath their flabby skin, are dense and powerful, allowing them to perform feats of brute strength that few can match. Additionally, they have awakened psionic powers, granting them abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, and mind control, which they use to navigate and survive in the hostile environments of the underdark.   Cavern half-orcs live in small, isolated communities deep beneath the earth, often venturing into the underdark. These communities are usually led by the strongest and most psionically gifted individuals, who use their powers to maintain order and protect their people. Their homes are carved into the rock and stone, forming intricate networks of tunnels and chambers that provide shelter and security.   Their society places a high value on strength, both physical and mental. Leadership is earned through displays of power and cunning, with the most capable individuals rising to positions of authority. Psionic abilities are particularly revered, and those who exhibit strong psionic powers are often seen as blessed or chosen by the gods.   Despite their fearsome reputation, cavern half-orcs are fiercely loyal to their own kind and will go to great lengths to protect their communities. They have a deep understanding of the dangers of the underdark and have developed a complex system of signals and traps to defend against intruders.   Cavern half-orcs are known for their resilience and determination. They are survivors, having adapted to one of the most hostile environments in Elaris. Their psionic abilities grant them a unique perspective on the world, allowing them to sense and manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others. This makes them highly perceptive and often gives them an edge in social interactions and negotiations.   They are naturally cautious and suspicious of outsiders, having learned to be wary of the many dangers that lurk in the Underdark. However, they are also fiercely loyal to their friends and allies, willing to risk their lives to protect those they care about. Their strong sense of community and loyalty makes them formidable allies, even if their appearance and abilities can be unsettling to those unfamiliar with their ways.   In combat, cavern half-orcs combine their physical strength with their psionic abilities to devastating effect. They are skilled in both melee and ranged combat, often using their telekinetic powers to manipulate the battlefield and control their enemies. Their overgrown canines can be used as natural weapons in close combat, adding to their fearsome reputation.   Their psionic abilities also allow them to sense danger and anticipate their enemies' moves, making them highly effective scouts and spies. They are adept at using their environment to their advantage, setting traps and ambushes to catch their foes off guard.   Cavern half-orcs are rarely seen on the surface, as they prefer the safety and familiarity of the underdark. However, those who do venture above ground often find it difficult to integrate into surface societies. Their appearance and psionic abilities can be unsettling to other races, and they are often met with suspicion and fear.
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Game Statistics

5th Edition
4th Edition
3.5th Edition
2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Constitution and Intelligence, and a -2 penalty to Charisma.
Strength 6 18
Dexterity 3 16
Constitution 13 19
Intelligence 3 18
Wisdom 3 16
Charisma 3 12
Fighter 101
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian 10
Mage 6
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 8
Cleric 41
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman 61
Thief 81
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 81
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 101
1Single-classed characters can rise higher.  
Special Advantages
Cavern half-orc infravision increases to a range of 90 feet.

All cavern half-orcs gain one wild talent without a chance for failure or harm.
Special Disadvantages
Role-Playing Suggestions
Cavern half-orcs are often rejected from any society they attempt to integrate into due to their orcish blood and their monstrous appearance. As such, they often grow cold and spiteful. Those few who manage to push past this and become neutral- or even good-aligned often end up championed by those people who they wish to save.
Cavern Orcish, Orcish, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Ogre, Common Tongue of the Region

Encompassed species


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