Deep Dwarf

Deep dwarves are deep-dwelling cousins of the dwarves, split off from them long ago. Despite this, they remain incredibly hardy and resilient, trekking on in the face of the numerous dangers the place they call home presents. Unlike most normal dwarves, many deep dwarves have develop psionic powers due to their constant battles against abberations, particularly illithids. These constant battles have left the deep dwarves gruff and uncaring, fighting for a reason long lost from memory.   Deep dwarves have dark skin similar to the deep gnomes, though some have skin in a more purplish shade—particularly those with stronger psionics. These people typically have gray or black hair and beards, and keep the tradition of braided beards from their ancestors, even if they have lost much else from them. A strong and hardy people, the deep dwarves protect many of the other races of the deep from the deep-dwelling abberant threats that so thoroughly suffuse the area, though they have a particularly deep seated hatred of the deep elves as their haughty nature annoys them. Despite this, they continue their grim duty, protecting the other races as they would protect any of their own. Any time a deep dwarf meets an illithid, it is always a fight to the death.   Deep dwarves have a very rough lifestyle, but keep the dwarven love of masonry and stonework. A deep dwarf stronghold is a sight to behold, and can often be treated as a beacon of safety in the otherwise inhospitable lands, but only if the one seeking sanctuary is proper and respectful to the deep dwarves, as well as being able to pull their own weight. Deep dwarves follow a caste-based system, with warriors and their special psionicists known as gem mages being at the top of the common people, but ruled over by elders and, in larger societies, a king or queen.   The deep dwarves are a highly war-oriented people due to their history with the illithids, and have found many ways to continue augmenting their forces despite their slow reproduction. Some deep dwarf societies have been able to bend the wills of deep trolls and occaionally even myconoid dragons or other dragons that have gotten lost, though no group has ever been able to bend a deep dragon to their will, but not for lack of trying. The great citadel of Namazir holds a captive purple dragon, kept under constant mental manupulation and physical restrains which the deep dwarves use to power a mighty furnace. In this plasma furnace, some of the greatest works of the deep dwarves are made.   Deep dwarves have somewhat fallen from religion, caring almost solely for Bhalgram now, who they believe to be their original creator. They will still respect the religions of travelers, but they typically have little to no interest in worshipping other gods.   Deep dwarves believe that a death to old age is a taboo in and of itself. When a deep dwarf feels themselves growing too old, typically around their 3rd century, they call upon the Stoneguard, a special group of warriors that seek out a beast such as a basilisk or medusa. The eldery deep dwarf is expected to allow themselves to be turned to stone, becoming a living statue and never dying of old age in this way. The Stoneguard then retrieves them, typically trying to avoid killing the beast in the process, as creatures that possess petrifying abilities are sacred to the deep dwarves due to this ritual. A deep dwarf dying of old age is seen as a sign of disrespect. This reflects not only on themselves, but their family as well, bringing shame upon them all. Each family is to upkeep their own living statues within their clan’s great hall.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Baelis, Belinda, Brondra, Dagnya, Drura, Durastra, Elowin, Faelin, Grendra, Gritha, Grizella, Haldra, Hildra, Keldra, Mordritha, Olinda, Orinna, Orsla, Ragnilda, Sylgra, Thraina, Thyrna, Torgrima, Valthra, Vardra

Masculine names

Baelrik, Belgar, Brogar, Dornak, Drurak, Durak, Eldrin, Elowar, Faelgar, Grendor, Haldor, Hildric, Keldrim, Morgrim, Orinak, Orlin, Orskar, Ragnor, Sylgar, Sylgir, Thrainor, Thyrgrim, Torvald, Valdrek, Vardrin

Family names

Blackrock, Boulderclad, Darkstone, Deepdelve, Deepsunder, Deepwarden, Emberheart, Emberstone, Firebrand, Fireforge, Gemcrafter, Gemcutter, Gemforge, Gemshaper, Gemstonekin, Granitefist, Ironbeard, Ironheart, Ironvein, Obsidianhammer, Obsidianshadow, Steelbeard, Stonehelm, Stonemane, Stoneshield
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Game Statistics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment. +1 Intelligence Psychic Resistance. You gain resistance to Psychic damage equal to 5 + half your level.
Ancestral Combat. You gain a +1 Racial bonus to hit creatures with the Elf, Orc, or Troglodyte subtype. You gain a +2 Racial bonus to Dodge against the same creatures.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Deep Dwarf.

5th Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
Your Strength score increases by 2.
You know one 1st-order power of your choice from the psion power list. Intelligence is your manifesting ability for it.
Sunlight Sensitivity
While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Psychic Resistance
You have resistance to psychic damage.
You have advantage on all saving throws against being petrified.
You can speak Deep Dwarvish.


4th Edition
To Be Made

3.5th Edition
To Be Made

2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Constitution, but a -1 to Charisma.
Strength 8 18
Dexterity 3 16
Constitution 13 19
Intelligence 3 18
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 3 15
Fighter 14
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian 12
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock
Cleric 12
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk 7
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 10
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 10
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 10
Special Advantages. Deep dwarves have better eyesight for the dark than their cousins, being able to see to a range of 90 feet in the dark using infravision.   In melee, deep dwarves add 1 to their roll to hit deep elves, troglodytes, and orcs.   Special Hindrances. Having adapted to living deep underground where the sun will never shine, deep dwarves find bright light painful. Deep dwarves suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls when in bright sunlight or within the radius of a continual light spell. Light spells and all other light sources have no effects on a deep dwarf.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Deep dwarves, even moreso than most dwarves, are dour and solemn. The only time they truly show emotion is when fighting abberations, in which they pour out vast amounts of rage into every strike. A deep dwarf will never back down from a fight with an illithid, even if it is obvious they will die fighting it. It is considered an honor to die fighting these creatures, however, and seen as a final act of sacrifice to protect others.   Languages. Deep dwarf, gray dwarf, dwarvish, illithid, troglodyte, deep gnome, undercommon

Pathfinder 2e
To Be Made
Encompassed species


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