Deep Elf

Deep elves were once surface elves, with most elven scholars believing them to have originally high elves. They had made a pact against their fellow elves, making turning even against their own gods to make a dark pact with foul beings from the underworld. Due to their treachery, they were divinely banished from the surface, causing the sunlight that had once shone so calmly and warmed their skin to cause them pain if they were to stand under it. They retreated deep beneath the world’s surface, hiding in caves and scavenging what they could. The mixture of odd foods they were forced to consume and the toxins of the meats and mushrooms they had to endure slowly drove them into more and more vile acts. Over time, they fell to cannibalism, feasting upon the fallen. Those that survived this gruesome fate went on to slowly claw out an empire, using their raw elven talents of magic and swordplay to beat back those that would come for them.   These cursed elves became known as the deep elves, or drow. Without access to the sun, their skin lost more and more of its color over the generations until they appeared ghastly. With their continued evil deeds, their fingernails slowly evolved into something more akin to claws, and their teeth grew sharper. The evil tainting their lineage was present for all to see as the deep elves rush through the winding caves deep underground, destroying all who oppose them and their reign.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Drizshara, Kaldria, Malzara, Nyxandra, Vaelshira, Velshira, Vornara, Vornika, Vylthara, Vyltharia, Xalindra, Xalshira, Xyndra, Xyndrana, Xyrrana, Xyrzara, Zanikara, Zhaelzara, Zhaenixia, Zhaerlindra, Zhaervara, Ziraela, Zylendra, Zylshana, Zylthara

Masculine names

Dranik, Drizzen, Kaldor, Kyrzor, Maldrak, Nyxaris, Velshan, Velsharoth, Vornak, Vorshar, Vylthar, Vylxandor, Xalvorn, Xalzor, Xalzyn, Xyrrak, Xyrzul, Yltharis, Zanrik, Zhaelthar, Zhaernix, Ziraxus, Zylendir, Zylkarn, Zyraxis

Family names

Drak'zorin, Drex'zanar, Kyr'ssindra, Mal'thoril, Nyss'arion, Nyx'saroth, Syl'khael, Vael'nyss, Vel'karn, Vel'karnoth, Vor'zandal, Vyl'sharess, Vyl'xalor, Xal'zerath, Xan'taroth, Xir'zhul, Xyrr'kael, Xyrraxus, Ylith'zir, Zhael'kith, Zhaern'ax, Zirak'ul, Zyl'cress, Zyl'endrin, Zyl'shaedra
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Game Statistics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +2 to Dexterity and a +1 to Intelligence, but a -1 to Constitution and a -2 to Charisma.
Light Sensitivity. You are dazzled while in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Other light spells have no effect on you if they are not sunlight.
Deep Elf Weapon Proficiency. You gain proficiency with daggers, hand crossbows, and light crossbows.
Poison Resistance. You gain resistance to Poison damage equal to 5 + half your level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Deep Elvish.

5th Edition
To Be Made

4th Edition
To Be Made

3.5th Edition
To Be Made

2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +2 to Dexterity and a +1 to Intelligence, but a -1 to Constitution and a -2 to Charisma.
Strength 3 18
Dexterity 8 19
Constitution 7 17
Intelligence 9 18
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 6 16
Fighter 12
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger 15
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
Mage 15
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 15
Cleric 12
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 12
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 15
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 7
Special Advantages. A deep elf gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a dagger, hand crossbow, or light crossbow.   Deep elves have infravision to a range of 120 feet.   Growing up among the tall fungal forests, deep elves become highly tolerant of poisons of all sorts. For every 3½ points of Constitution they have, they save versus poison at a +1.
Constitution ScoreSaving Throw Bonus
4-6 +1
7-10 +2
11-13 +3
14-17 +4
18-19 +5
Deep elves can attack using their claw-like fingernails. They are always considered proficient with them, and deal 1d3 slashing damage on a hit with them.   Special Hindrances. Having adapted to living deep underground where the sun will never shine, deep elves find bright light painful. Deep elves suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls when in bright sunlight or within the radius of a continual light spell. Light spells and all other light sources have no effects on a deep elf.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Deep elves are vile to their core, and their alignemnt shows this. The chaotic outlook of the deep elves makes them inherently untrustworthy and untrusting, willing to stab anyone in the back at a moment’s notice. Combined with their evil nature, they are truly the worst sort of foe to have.   Even to this day, deep elves have not forgiven what they consider a slight on the behalf of the surface elves, turning on them rather than standing by their side. As such, they tend to be extremely aggressive to other elves, if not outright attacking them.   Deep elves have a tendency to attack first and ask question later, always expecting others to betray them.   Languages. Deep Elvish, Elvish, Gray Dwarf, Illithid, Undercommon, Kuo-Toan, Bugbear, Orcish

Pathfinder 2e
To Be Made
Encompassed species


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