Gray Dwarf

Gray dwarves, also referred to as traitor dwarves by other dwarves, have fallen from the grace of the dwarven pantheon. Worshipping their own group of primarily evil deities, the gray dwarves squabble in the deep against each other and the world. Other dwarves find their ways repulsive. Gray dwarves war on other dwarf races, and sometimes join forces with orcs and other evil races to raid dwarf strongholds. Gray dwarves are universally despised by other dwarves due to their aggressive and wretched tendencies. In addition to this, they are known to enslave others, making them work or using them as sacrifices to their dark pantheon.   Gray dwarves tend to live deep underground, sometimes as deep as the deep dwarves themselves. They rarely venture above ground, finding it painful except during heavily overcast days or at night. The light does not cause them true damage, but it does hurt their eyes and affect their ability to see clearly.   A typical gray dwarf is 4 to 5½ feet tall and weighs 120 pounds. Emaciated, they possess pasty skin and white or dull gray beards. Both men and women tend to be bald, and those who are not usually shave their heads anyway. Like the deep dwarves, they tend to have larger eyes than their cousins that lack their sheen, but their eyes tend to be purple, red, or gray in color. They frequently compete with deep dwarves for living space and minerals. Usually the gray dwarves are bested in such struggles. Consequently, numerous gray dwarf strongholds are exceptionally poor, having been driven into areas rejected by others. In some cases, however, this may have been to their advantage and may have led them to the discovery of hidden subterranean wealth that they could secretly acquire.   The gray dwarves, like most others, keep heirloom items. However, unlike other dwarves, this item is not of a single family, but rather an entire clan and is always a weapon, passed through the elders with each generation. Unlike other dwarven clans that pass their position of elder through a vote or through succession by blood, any member of the clan is able to publicly challenge the elder. The challenger must use the same type of weapon as the clan’s heirloom weapon, and only in striking a killing blow can they become the new elder. This guarantees only the strongest of the clan will lead, and the heirloom weapon must be used any time the clan goes into battle. Losing this weapon to an enemy of the clan is considered the greatest taboo of the gray dwarves, and a clan will go through any lengths to reclaim it.   If a clan elder is killed by an outsider of the clan or dies from some other source, any member of the clan can step up, declaring their intent to be elder. If they are unchallenged, they are granted the position. If they are challenged, however, the two must fight to the death with the winner becoming the new elder. In the event the elder is killed and the heirloom weapon lost, the clan will go to war to regain it, with the member that obtains the weapon and returns it becoming the new elder immediately.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Azrikka, Belkara, Drusella, Grimhilda, Grithelda, Grizelda, Helvira, Helvona, Hildrith, Mordritha, Morvanna, Myrkrith, Ryzaria, Skaldra, Thrylda, Thrymara, Urskara, Valthoria, Voragana, Vuldara, Vyrthika, Xalvina, Xalzara, Zarnia, Zorvanna

Masculine names

Azrak, Drakar, Durgan, Grimgar, Grimlok, Gromrak, Guldor, Haldrek, Horgar, Kargrak, Keldrek, Mordrak, Mortok, Skarnak, Thrainor, Thrundar, Thrymlok, Urzak, Valthorin, Vorin, Vornak, Xalgrim, Zarnok, Zorik, Zornak

Family names

Blackshield, Blackstone, Blackthorn, Bloodaxe, Bloodfist, Darkhammer, Darkiron, Deathmask, Deathrune, Doombringer, Doomwrought, Duskhammer, Grimclan, Grimhelm, Grimshadow, Ironbane, Ironblood, Nightfall, Shadowforge, Shadowgloom, Shadowstrike, Skullcrusher, Stonefang, Vileheart, Wraithward
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Game Statistics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment. +1 Intelligence
Light Sensitivity. You are dazzled while in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Other light spells have no effect on you if they are not sunlight.
Innate Spellcasting. You can cast the enlarge person spell on yourself once per day.
Racial Skills. You gain a +2 Racial bonus to Hide.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Gray Dwarf.

5th Edition
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4th Edition
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3.5th Edition
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2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Constitution, but a -2 to Charisma.
Strength 8 18
Dexterity 3 17
Constitution 11 18
Intelligence 3 16
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 3 15
Fighter 12
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian 12
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock
Cleric 12
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 14
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 16
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
Psionicist 6
Special Advantages. Better than all other dwarves, gray dwarves have exceptional infravision that allows them to see in the dark to a range of 120 feet.   Gray dwarves are miners of great skill. While underground, they can detect the following information within 10 feet of the particular phenomenon (but they can determine their approximate depth below the surface at any time.) The dwarf must focus and be actively attempting to determine this—the information does not just spring to mind unbidden.
Detect grade or slope in passage 1-5 on 1d6
Detect new tunnel/passage construction 1-5 on 1d6
Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms 1-4 on 1d6
Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls 1-3 on 1d6
Determine approximate depth underground 1-3 on 1d6
If a gray dwarf is not in metal armor, a -2 penalty is applies to an opponent’s surprise rolls if the dwarf is at least 90 feet ahead of a party of characters without this ability, or accompanied by characters with equivalent stealth skills. The dwarf is also difficult to surprise, and receives a +2 bonus to his or her own surprise rolls.   Special Hindrances. Gray dwarves suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls when in bright sunlight or within the radius of a continual light spell. Light spells and all other light sources have no effects on a gray dwarf.   Other types of dwarves instinctually distrust gray dwarves, and as such, gray dwarves suffer a -2 penalty to reaction rolls from other dwarves.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Gray dwarves are selfish to a fault, believing their own life more important than any other.   A gray dwarf that holds an heirloom weapon and is made elder will have at their command great power, and so the position is greatly valued. Gray dwarves will go to great lengths to amass power and wealth, even if it means resorting to trickery or subterfuge.   Languages. Gray dwarf, deep dwarf, dwarvish, deep elf, illithid, kuo-toa, troglodyte, undercommon

Pathfinder 2e
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